An aspiring secret author living on a rock in the middle of nowhere. I enjoy musical theatre, old music and cats and I often write with a cup of tea and a biscuit (usually a chocolate digestive (who even likes the plain ones!)) in my hand. I have a love for traveling and in a couple of years I plan on travelling the world. I also have a strong passion for dance and performing and hope to make dance books as big as other genres. I hope you enjoy my stories!
Kat x

My work:
- London Queen
  • Isle of Man
  • BergabungDecember 13, 2017


Pesan Terakhir
KatLauraa KatLauraa Apr 14, 2018 03:11PM
Hello everyone, sorry for being so quiet recently. I have decided to no longer write London Queen for the time being and instead have started writing a new novel. It will be posted very shortly.
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Cerita oleh Kat
London Queen oleh KatLauraa
London Queen
London. The Queen, Crumpets, Big Ben (which is a clock. Why give the clock a name like Ben?), The London Eye...
ranking #102 dalam wildchild Lihat semua peringkat
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