
So I have no-idea what to do with my story 'Home Is Where?' at the moment so I have closed it for now. I am going to be trying my best to finish it so please don't give up on it! I will continue it when I can!


So I have no-idea what to do with my story 'Home Is Where?' at the moment so I have closed it for now. I am going to be trying my best to finish it so please don't give up on it! I will continue it when I can!


@Ritiou No I never am sorry but I fell asleep. I will do it for you later today  I promise. I just have to go the shops. We have nothing and I mean nothing in the house. 
          Haha yeah liverpools can be full of chavs! But there is loads to do. We have loads of the big brands to shop in in Liverpool 1 and that. Then there is the docks and the new docks. Then there is the new museum of liverpools history opening soon. Ermm there is all the Liverpool own brands where some of the footballers wives shop. Some nice sights erm there is always nearly something to do. You can go on all sorts of tours and that. Haha feels weird trying to explain what me and my mates do when were in they city centre!
          And yeah I know. I guess it's just because there is so many great artist that come from Liverpool and The Beatles being the most popular it just seems like if you are from Liverpool you HAVE to like them. I mean Liverpool also has the name of the music city. So what about the other great music acts. I suppose everyone has a different take on the Beatles. 


@Jessy-ca But hey you never showed me the stuff you did for my other story...or did you?
          My friend told me otherwise, she said there's nothing to do there, and the scousers are stupid, and the chavs as well... I guess she just got bored haha! I would LOVE to go though... Maybe next year, hopefully! 
          Yes I've noticed that, why is that? It should be a pride for you! 


  @Ritiou Haha your welcome! 
          And yeah I am from Liverpool! And yep the Beatles hometown! Aww that's a shame! Liverpools a great place when the weather is actually nice! 
          To be honest. I am not a fan of the Beatles and not many young people from Liverpool are. Yet we all know at least one beatles song :s