
I feel like I’m not looking in the right place. 
          	Have I missed anything new?  Please let me know. Thank you!!


I figured out it was Last Breath and I had already read it. Am I missing a book?
          Best to you always. I can read on the plane instead of listen, as I usual do, so I was hoping for an Edward book. That’s okay. I know you are busy. Be well, lorraine 


I also just finished catching up on the Flash Friday stories. Very fun. So glad they were there. I’ll watch for more in the future. I’m headed to Amazon to see if the new book is there. You’re the best. Thanks, Lorraine


Hi, How are you? I hope well!!
          It happened to me again. I finally had time to sit down to read your new story and it is gone. 
          I had it already to go. Where is it? What was or is the name? I’m so upset and disappointed. Help!!!! Thank you, Lorraine 


Hello, I hope all is well with you. I see you have written some graphic novels, but I thought you had written a regular novel also, that I started and now I want to finish. I’m I going crazy? Because now I cannot find it. I love your books, please let me know, it would have been about the time you released the graphic novels.  Thank you!


Hi, I found the message.  Thanks to you I remember I have two accounts with Wattpad. Sorry to have bothered you twice. I can’t wait for The Rider to be completed. Are you still working as a social worker, if so you are a busy person. I’m trying to learn Spanish. It is very difficult for me.  If I remember correctly you write books in Spanish. You are brilliant. Be well, lorraine 


@HisunHuge - Hi! Yes, you are correct, I had two chapters of my new novel called The Rider posted, but I took it down until the entire story is complete.


@EdwardMullen this message is for you


@EdwardMullen I am reading both of your new books. You continue to amaze me. I’m on the edge of my seat with both of them. It must be that you are a social worker as well as having an amazing inventive mind that makes you a great writer. Thank you so much for more books. I always go through withdrawal after completing your book and there is nothing else from you for awhile.  You remain the only author that I actually read the book instead of listen. Thank you and be well.


Are you well? I’m hoping you are just very busy. Happy Holiday season! Wishing you a wonderful New Year!


@HisunHuge - Thanks for the kind words, it really means a lot :)