
Huzzah! I can see my notification feed, I can, I can! I'm assuming it was my computer, but whatever, cause all you guys are awesome! I'm glad people enjoy the stuff I've posted (the old stories and such, not this fresh off the press writing, obviously), in fact I'm a bit psyched. Really, it may come off as weird to read things like this and to see others post it, but there's something to be said for someone actually enjoying that which you worked hard to make/gather/complete. You guys may or may not hear it enough from people, but Thank YOU, for all that you commentators and silent readers do. My notification board is such a wonderful sight to come back to after just over two years of being mostly off the grid. Really, you all are awesome.


Huzzah! I can see my notification feed, I can, I can! I'm assuming it was my computer, but whatever, cause all you guys are awesome! I'm glad people enjoy the stuff I've posted (the old stories and such, not this fresh off the press writing, obviously), in fact I'm a bit psyched. Really, it may come off as weird to read things like this and to see others post it, but there's something to be said for someone actually enjoying that which you worked hard to make/gather/complete. You guys may or may not hear it enough from people, but Thank YOU, for all that you commentators and silent readers do. My notification board is such a wonderful sight to come back to after just over two years of being mostly off the grid. Really, you all are awesome.


Either my computer just doesn't like the new Wattpad layout, or it has some minor bugs.  I'm pretty sure it's not my computer, but either way it's annoying that I can't access my notification feed. Thanks for following, my new followers!! Highly appreciated, I hope you enjoy all that I've written, and that which I'm merely helping spread.  As summer approaches, I will be adding some of the new items I've had the opportunity to write, some I'm told are quite good, and some that  very much not my cup of tea with regards to style and/or prompt materials. First I've got to actually finish some and type everything up. Until  then, I leave you with some teasers, one brought about by a prompt but relating to a new story I've been co-writing with- you guessed it!- @Dinoman1997. The actual story probably won't be posted on wattpad, or any other site for that matter, unless we complete it, and even then maybe not.


Apparently I've not gotten all the emails from wattpad about new followers... As such, thank you for following my new followers ^_^ with you I will rule the- ahem, sorry, not supposed to mention that particular detail. I hope you enjoy my works, I'll be putting a whole slew of stuff up once this school year ends, as school has me all over the place.


If I missed you, although I'm pretty sure I've gotten everyone now, let me say:
          Thanks for following me. I appreciate it, even if I haven't gotten around to doing much work on here, or typing up some of the stuff I have here, I do so dearly appreciate it.
          Eventually, I plan to update some of what I have up here, and add some of the stuff I've written in and for my creative writing class. They teach you a lot in those classes, I've never written so much, so often, in such a comparatively short time, in my life. Until then, feel free to p.m me, or post on my page ^_^


Out of some innane sense of curiosity,  in regards to the SOPA act that the U.S. gov't is attempting to push its way through its bureaucracy, if somat, such as fan art, or a fanfic or whatever originates from outside the U.S., or is situated on a server outside of the U.S.,  do they still have the right and the jurisdiction to remove it from the internet? I mean, the internet is essentially international property, in that no one country could claim sole ownership or overall responsibility for running, controlling, and/or maintaining it, and everyone is able to put stuff in it. Then there's the whole 'does this violate their first amendment rights' issue, and whether it violates their, or any one person's/group of people's freedom of expression. After all, they aren't claiming ownership in any way, and they aren't reproducing a copy of the original work, so therefore is it not just another way of expressing one's self? Freedom of speech and all that. So in the end, even if they pass this SOPA, could they still do everything this bill will supposedly give thwm the legal power to do? What if they decide violates will be fined, and I live in Canada, or India, or Russia, or China, or even Bangladesh, instead of the U.S. where they are attempting to pass this? It's not 'my' gov't,  so what's it matter what they say? Or does it suddenly become that yes, the U.S. gov't does have a say in my life even if I live on the other side of the world? These are the important questions, the ones that will really affect us. Because what's the point of passing SOPA if they can't enforce it? At that point it becomes as useless as the League of Nations that formed from post WW1, who practiced a policy of appeasement in order to avoid war, and were unable to enforce their decisions, leading to war occurring anyways.