I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see.
- Duane Michals


→ 24
→ Writer-artist combo
→ Believer in the power of dreams
→ Has no idea about current pop culture
→ Eager to read, but extremely difficult to please
→ Feels too damn old for this website, in all honesty
→ Tries to sound smart, but is actually pretty damn average.

Like nerdy things? You're in luck, I'm an odd sort of mixture of nerd gunk!

I'm going to be honest with you, I'm pretty jaded when it comes to books and literature! I'm hard to please and you have to have that special voice to tantalize my imagination and keep me coming for more.

But damn, if you spark that in me, you'll totally have me hooked.


• Favorite Authors: Neil Gaiman, Kevin Brooks, R.A. Nelson, Laurie Halse Anderson

• Music of Choice: Better Than Ezra, Scissor Sisters, Mystery Skulls, and a bunch of funk

• Internal Narrator: Sounds like Kevin Spacey or Ellen Page, depending on mood

• Won't Do: Werewolves, pop culture fan fiction, cliches done in a cliche way


People seem to be able to find sensual and sensuous pleasure in almost anything but words these days. Words, it seems belong to other people, anyone who expresses themselves with originality, delight and verbal freshness is more likely to be mocked, distrusted or disliked than welcomed. The free and happy use of words appears to be considered elitist or pretentious.
- Stephen Fry
  • JoinedApril 16, 2013

Last Message
Glowfish Glowfish May 18, 2013 02:45AM
@ghostwritethewhip Ah man, haha, it's kind of dead around here for us older folk! I had to watch you back for the mention of dry and sarcastic humor, though~ Seems like you're of my kind!
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