
Also. Hi! I am, indeed, still alive. Life is still hell. But I love my dog. How're ya'll?


How does one 'nicely' tell one's neighbor that if they wanted their mornings to be announced by the sounds of sex they would simply set their alarm to porn audio. My mornings are sacred and must not be defiled. Yet defiled they have been and I am pissed. I tried to ignore it the first few times. I thought maybe turning on some music would get the message across. Clearly not. Not to mention if I can hear them then all the poor families and working individuals outside can as well. At this point it's practically ear r*pe.


First off. I want to apologize to anyone and everyone who has been faithfully waiting for an update on any of my stories. You all mean more to me than I could ever properly express. I turned 20 in January and I started this year genuinely sincerely hoping I'd finally be able to pull up my boot straps, pull myself together, and give you queens/kings/nonbinary royalty and whoever doesn't identify with those terms the stories you deserve. I regret to say that this isn't likely to happen anytime soon. As it is I have hit my lowest point. Full disclosure. This is the closest I've ever been to giving up. On everything. And I've gotten pretty damn close growing up. I'm trying my hardest to stay strong but I really cannot tell you if I will actually be able to. So. This is my thanks to all of you for sticking around and rooting for me. With luck I'll be back stronger than ever eventually. I'm afraid it really will be a very long time though. All of my stories are up for adoption as of now. Like I said I'll probably come back eventually but in the off chance I don't I want my stories to live on in whatever way is so desired by whoever takes over. And I genuinely don't care who does. Or how many people create their own interpretations of my work. Smile for me?
          All my love,


Why am I just now finding out Armin Arlert from AOT/SNK is a female character? How long was I going to be allowed to misgender this poor child? We stan a girl that everyone thinks is a guy. And I know she's a fictional character, but I still feel bad. 


Armin is just marriage matereal... 


@Red0raven My friend's brother told her and she told me and we both freaked out a bit because apparently that information has been publicly available from the creator since 2014. Coconut child is my new favorite thing, lol. Armin is amazing. She was husband material but I guess we must call her a wife now, haha. 


Okay guys. We have a huge storm cell over head. I'm honestly mega surprised I have reception as we've lost power three times in the past ten minutes alone and the WiFi is out as a result. I'm surprised the power hasn't stayed out. Anyway we're forecasted to be like this for the next couple hours. I'm not sure my voice can survive singing the amount of lullabies required to keep the animals calm that long, lol. This may be all for a couple days pending whether or not the hook forms a tornado. In any case, I love all of you. Stay amazing. See you all on the flip side. New chapters in Older Than Thou and There Are No Boundaries in Love soon.


I hear my mom talking to someone about me.
          Something about it being about 30 miles.
          Something about me going somewhere if I want to.
          "She's shy. She hasn't gone on any dates, yet."
          "She likes flowers."
          "We don't have great internet, but I'm sure she could find something she likes. I don't know what she likes to do."
          I don't know what is going on and I am scared.


Have realy silly conversations on the phone to noboddy and when youre mom confrunts you tell her something stupid.


@CrazySmallTown theres only one thing to do...