
@WatchTheSunBurnOut Even when I cry about Avenged Sevenfold and use your money to buy Frijj? :L 


Hey my favourite band is Avenged Sevenfold too, and basically every other band on your list:p I just them this summer on the rockstar uproar festival and they were amazing! I love their new album... and no one I know at my school really likes any of the bands I do so I like talking about them:D I'd liketo hear your opinions on them too.


Hey my favourite band is Avenged Sevenfold too, and basically every other band on your list:p I just them this summer on the rockstar uproar festival and they were amazing! I love their new album... and no one I know at my school really likes any of the bands I do so I like talking about them:D I'd liketo hear your opinions on them too.


Hi, how’s it going?  
          I uploaded Chapters 4 and 5 of my story "Die Another Death: The Underworld relocated.........right into my town !!!" . I would very much like it if u could read them and comment on it. Feel free to criticize, point out typos and so on. If u like it, maybe u could vote for it and become a fan. ;-) :)) I will return the favor for your works. Thanks in advance !!!   ;-)  ;-)  Here's the link to my story-