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My Books~
What Lies In the Woods {♥} "its summer babydoll, if you do go swimming, don't drown, you know how you can be at times" my mind goes back to the newsletter and I stop my face from going pale as a pang of fear circulates through my bloodstream. I know she was being sarcastic, of course, but it still scared the hell outta me. My eyes then connect with something over her shoulder, it was a slightly tilted sign that hung on a nail sticking out of the wall and read:

This is one of the many incidents from Camp Dakota Brown, the people that have fallen victim to the many spirits on the campsite have either, luckily survived or disappeared without a trace. That adds to the mysteries of the campground, can you survive the madness and figure out the mystery? Can you make it to the end? If so,

Welcome To Camp Dakota Brown.
  • JoinedJune 26, 2011

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