Not so bad

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"Why are you closing your eyes?" Jungwon said

"Huh" I said

"You didn't think I was going to kiss you...right?"
Jungwon said with a grin on his face.

"Don't be stupid tch" I said while dragging his ears

"Ow ow ow please I'm sorry I'm sorry" he said whining

I yanked his ears and talked into it "you better be sorry"

"Are you trying to tease me y/n?" He said chuckling

"Hmph" I said.

"Woahhh it's really late" he said.

"Oh shoot I should go now" I said

Jungwon grabbed my hand and said " I think you should sleep over , it's to late for you to walk home"

"Mmm I don't know , I never slept over someone's house before" I said

"Well then your first sleep over is going to be at my house" he said letting go of my hand.

"I'll sleep downstairs , you can sleep in my bed upstairs" he said taking me up stairs.

I went into his bed , it was soft , comfy , and smelt like him.

I took a deep breath in , then turned around to look around the room.

To notice It was dark since he turned off the lights, I was scared, really scared about the dark.

I got up and started searching the walls to find the light switch.

I couldn't find it , I was scared so I went downstairs to where Jungwon was sleeping.

He looked like he was sleeping so I just put myself between his arms. 

"What are you doing?" He said out of nowhere

"I'm scared of the dark , can I sleep with you..?" I said with my voice trembling

"Tch" is all he said

He cuddle me into his chest , I heard his heart beating it made me feel protected.

I liked it I really did.

Until it all came back to me , what had happened that night.

"Say ... what happened that night why did you guys do that to me..?" I said with my voice quivering

"It was there doing I was just following because my girlfriend told me to come" he said.

"Why do you hang with people like that ..huh" I said.

"I always ask myself that , I'm only dating yuna because she wouldn't stop nagging me .. trust me I'm not like Jennie and her" he said

"I don't know what to say .. I'm still hurt" I said as a tear fell down my eye

"I'm sorry that to had to happen to you" he grabbed my head stuffing it into his chest.

(Jungwon POV)

I felt bad that y/n had to go threw that no one should go threw that at all....

"What the hell man" I thought

At least she is doing well now.

"Maybe this isn't so bad".. I look down at her she was sleeping "a little kiss wouldn't hurt..right" I thought.

I planted a kiss on her forehead "goodnight y/n" I said.

Trouble / jungwon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now