Best friends

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I just looked at the paper..on the verge of crying.

"IS THERE SOMETHING I MISSED?"the teacher said

"Ah no"I said

"THEN FIX YOUR FACES"the teacher yelled.

Jungwon seemed to be glaring at the teacher.



"Oh god"I thought to myself.

Minho might get jealous to see how close me and Jungwon on,how do I avoid this situation...?

Minho might try talking to me but I don't want to face him.

As soon as I stepped out of the door I took out my phone.

"Ahh mom you want me to hurry home??"I said acting like my mom was on the phone.

"Of course I'm coming home right now"I said walking away from Jungwon and Minho.

I ran home,it was snowing a lot.

I got home and went straight upstairs

"Buzzz"I heard my phone ring.

"Hello?"I answered the phone

"Hi y/n..I wanted to hang out but you ran off"Jungwon said over the phone.

"Oh I'm sorry,I can come right now"I said.

"Meet me in front of the 7/11"he said.

I was on my way to the 7/11 man it was cold

"Ah y/n"I heard Jungwon yell

"Jungwon"I said walking up to him

"Are you okay?you seem really cold"he said

"Oh yeah it's a bit cold"I said shivering

"Come here"Jungwon said bringing me into his jacket

"D-do you feel better"Jungwon said blushing

"Awww Jungwon you care for me?"I said teasing him

"No way I don't care for you"he said turning away from my direction

"You don't care for me"I said having tears in my eyes

"Wait no that's not what I meant."he said frantically

"BAHAHAHAH YOU SHOULDVE SEEN YOUR FACE"I said busting out laughing

"Huh?wait! Aren't you sad??"Jungwon said

"No it was all an act haha"I said still laughing

"Tch w-whatever"he said turning around.

"Hey,why don't we go get some hot chocolate from that cafe"I said pointing at a cafe in front of us

"Sure"he said.
"Hello how may I help you"the man said

"Um we would like two coffees.. no wait!Hmm what was it again"I said forgetting what I had suggested

"Um ma'am we have a line would you mind hurrying up?"the man said

"Oh that's right two hot chocolate frog man"I said having an attitude back

"Y/nn!"Jungwon said.

"Tch coming right up horse girl"the man said.

"Hey-"Jungwon tried going after the man

"Jungwon it okay hehe just wait"I said planning something

"Here you go horse girl two hot chocolates"the man said handing out drinks

"Thank you sir"I said while snatching his fake hair

"Run Jungwon run"I said laughing

"HEY COME BACK HERE"the man said angrily


Me and Jungwon ran far away from the cafe. We reached a hiding spot , the hiding spot had a beautiful view of water.

"That was definitely something"Jungwon said out of breath

"Yeah"I said breathing heavily

"Ahh I'm tired"Jungwon said falling backwards onto the snow.

"Ah yeah?me too"I said falling backwards next to him

"Hey Jungwon"I said.

"Yeah?"he replied

"What do you see me as?"I said looking over to him

He was red , really red.

"I see you as a best friend."he said.

"Oh"I said feeling disappointed..I liked Jungwon but he doesn't feel the same.

(Jungwon POV)


"Do I really like her?"I thought to myself.

"How about you?"I asked.

"The same way you do!a best friend!" Y/n said

"I see"I said.

"You know who ever you marry will be a really lucky girl"y/n said.

"What?why is that"I said blushing

"That's because..I don't know it's hard to explain. Your just perfect"y/n said.

"You know I thought the same thing"I said.

"What is that?"y/n replied

"Whoever you end up with would be a really lucky guy."

"It's kinda sad"y/n said.

"What?why"I said

"Because there will be another girl besides me"y/n said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"What was the kiss for?"I said flustered

"It's because I love you, your my best friend"y/n said looking down.

"Oh"I said

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