Trio yandere headcanons

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-Will learn your fears and use them against you to his advantage. He will do anything to get into your head and manipulate you, this includes him observing your every move, stalking you and keeping a journal of you. However you are not aware of any of this
-To you he appears like a normal, charming, flirty, elegant gentleman man. All he wants is your love. He will take his time with you, woe you, impress you. He does this just to get you were he wants you
-Soon after drawing you into where he wants you, the mask falls of and his sadistic nature is revealed but you're already too deep in to get out

-Will tie you down and use your body as a toy. He will cum in you on purpose and carve his name into your flesh to show you that you belong to him and no one else
-He will kill anyone who trys to socialize/interact with you, most probably make you watch it as well
-He likes the thought of you resisting him rather than being completely submissive. It will just make breaking you way more enjoyable
-He will kidnap you, put you on a leash and keep you close to him as well. You'll never be out of reach from him

-Torturing you mentally and sometimes physically, he wants to test your limits and see you beg. His aim is to break you and make you so obsessed with him as he is with you, he wants you to be his submissive pet. He will mould you into the perfect pet, getting rid of all of your "bad" traits and transforming you into a new person that he considers perfect
-He won't kidnap you, but instead stalk you and yes he will make sure you know he is there. He wants you to be like a frightened kitten
-It would destroy him if you disappeared one day. He would spend all his time searching for you. But he doesn't have to worry about that since you're his perfect, submissive pet

HEADCANONS FOR THE ADULT TRIO. NSFW  WARNING Where stories live. Discover now