When you bring home a pet without the trio knowing

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-He came back earlier than expected and found you playing with a puppy
-He would look at the puppy, touching it, opening its mouth to observe its teeth, analysing the pup from the head to the tail
-"Can I train it to be a guard dog"
-You'll have to explain to him over and over that he cannot train it to be a guard dog. After a while he understands and let's it be
-But then he starts getting jealous of it because you're giving all of your attention to the pup instead of him
-If he could he would get rid of it but the pup makes you happy so he let's you keep it

-He already knows you brought home something, but he doesn't know what it is
-He confronts you and tells you that there should be no secrets between the two of you and that you should show him what you got
-You go get the kitten that you had in a box, you feel a bit scared as you don't know how he will react
-Once he saw you holding the kitten he fell in love with it instantly, that was not the reaction you were expecting but seeing him act like this over the kitten was so cute
-The kitten was no longer yours but his

-He had a feeling you were hiding something from him, once you left he went through everything trying to find out what you've been hiding
-He opened your wardrobe and was greeted by a meow. He stared at the kitten for a couple minutes till he closed the wardrobe doors and went back to the kitchen. He was waiting for you to come back
-He told you to go get the kitten from your wardrobe. You were surprised he knew about it
-He took the kitten from you, did one of his magic tricks and out if no where there were two kittens

HEADCANONS FOR THE ADULT TRIO. NSFW  WARNING Where stories live. Discover now