Chapter thirteen

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A Kindred Spirit
Chapter Thirteen

It had been a couple days since you had passed out in front of Zuko during training. And it was miraculous what a couple of days could mean for your health and life overall.

You weren't a glowing picture of health by any means but at the very least you had been eating as much as you were capable of eating. The court physicians had you eating every hour on the hour. The myriad of different foods that you had tried in the last few days alone was mind boggling.

Yet what struck you as strange out of everything was the fact that you weren't being directed to train. It seemed like ever since Azula had rescued you, you'd been training with Zuko. Except he hadn't sent anyone for you since your collapse. Which was why you hadn't left your quarters since.

You turned to the sound of your door sliding open at a respectful speed. A lady with a gaggle of attendants came in, all bowing. The sign of deference and respect made you feel nervous and perhaps a little afraid. They were bowing because you were supposedly the Avatar...mentally you knew that but you still didn't feel like the all powerful bridge between worlds.

"We've been sent to see that you are packed and ready to go," the main attendant said as she waited for acknowledgement.

Your stomach sank at that. Go? Had the royal family decided that you were too much trouble? Were you being moved to another family to take over the burden? Or were you being thrown out into the streets for being so useless?

"Where am I going?" You asked in a quiet voice.

"Ember Island," the woman replied respectfully.

At least it wasn't the streets...though you had a chilling fear that you had just escaped one prison for another.


"What are you doing here?"

You fought the urge to look down when you heard the question. Instead you did your best to look up from your seat at the low rise table. Zuko stood there with a flabbergasted expression across his scared face. You could only bring yourself to hold something similar to eye contact for a couple heart beets. After your courage failed you, your eyes darted to nearby objects while you continued to try to not look down.

"Relax," Azula's voice as she entered into the small chamber beside him. "I had her come along. How else were you going to continue her training?"

"I thought we were supposed to be on a vacation," he returned.

Azula shrugged as you continued to watch the siblings' interaction. She looked over to you. You could feel her eyes assessing you. You held still under her judging gaze until she finally flicked her amber gaze back to Zuko.

"Who says we can't do both? Besides, going to a beach could do wonders for her. Even the Avatar shouldn't be as pale as a ghost."

It sounded like she'd been amused by her own joke. Zuko didn't directly react to her comment as he had a seat at the table. The prince poured himself a cup of tea as Azula continued on to go talk with the ship's captain. You could see Zuko's impatience while waiting for the tea to cool as he kept trying to take a sip only to realize it was still too hot.

"Careful, you'll burn yourself," you advised him.

"Wouldn't be the first time."

Quietly you leaned back against the wall of the room. Was that his attempt at humor? Or was that a dig at himself? Given that no laughter followed, you were pretty sure that it was the second option. Though why he felt like he needed to put himself down you had no idea.

When Zuko finally got too impatient and took too large of a sip, you reacted without thinking about it. You brought your own cooled tea-water up to his mouth with one smooth motion. In doing so the actual impurities of the water stayed behind as the tiniest muddy paste while the pure water followed your healing touch. You fed the water to Zuko's mouth, working on all the soft tissue that he had injured.

"At least you're already good at healing," Zuko acknowledged with a grumble.

"Does anyone know when we'll be able to get off this boat?"

You looked up from Zuko to see a tall, thin young woman. Her dark hair was up in an interesting style and her severe bangs only gave her a more stern expression. If the lack of bowing told you anything then you'd wager a guess that she was an important person somehow.

"You're the new avatar huh?" The young lady asked while the door opened once more behind her. "You don't really seem like an avatar to me."

It was true and you knew it. You weren't really much to look at - literally. Though you had been doing your best to eat as often as the palace physicians instructed, you were barely more than scragg.

"Oh I don't know Mai. I think she's kind of pretty," a happier voice entered the conversation.

The tall girl, Mai, didn't say anything in response. She moved over to Zuko and put her hand to his shoulder, towering over him.

"We should be at the island soon. Maybe you could show me around your old house when we get there."

"What'd be the point? It was probably rebuilt by now."

Apparently Zuko wasn't in the best of moods. You poured yourself more tea in a new cup, resolved to keep your thoughts on the matter to yourself.

A Kindred Spirit [Reader x Zuko]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang