Chapter ten

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A Kindred Spirit
Chapter Ten

The ship had moved with such great speed that you were constantly in awe. You had seen a map of the world a few times over the years of you were imprisoned. Every time, Long Feng had emphasized how large the Earth Kingdom was and how futile it would be to even consider escaping. You knew that getting through the Earth Kingdom and across the ocean to the Fire Nation in just a few days was no small achievement. Yet everyone acted like it was a normal thing. Which only served to astound you even more.

Currently the ship was docked at the port. It had made berth well after the sun had set so it had been deemed appropriate to wait for morning to unload. You supposed it had something to do with the royal siblings on board. They had returned conquering heroes and so they needed to be seen by the capitols public. Azula had no problem with that, nor did you. Zuko, however, was impatient.

You could feel how jittery he was as he stood in front of you. His hands were on yours as he guided you through how to ignite a flame. After a day or two of trying, you and Zuko had figured out that you were much better at a hands on teaching method. Seeing as you didn't have enough muscle mass to hold a stance or position for any length of time, Zuko had to adjust how he showed you how to harness fire. You could almost mimic the sensations when you were close enough to feel what was happening. Almost as though you could guide your own energy to be in consort with his as long as their was tactile contact. What neither you nor Zuko understood was that on an unconscious level you were tracing and mimicking his chi lines from chakra to chakra point.

"Now just let it ignite," Zuko tried to guide you.

You felt his hands on yours in a mirror like fashion. They were warm and strong, resolute. They weren't large like the Earth Bender's you had known. Nor as cruel. They reminded you more of a blade compared to the war hammers you'd been use to prior. Unfortunately even with his guidance you could seem to get it to spark.

"Concentrate. Remember that feeling of anger and hatred. Let it burn on the outside."

You didn't want to. You didn't want to feel angry. You didn't want to hate anything. You were far too nervous and afraid for that to happen.

"Watch. Like this."

As he spoke, Zuko slipped his hands away from yours. You watched as he put his hands into the position that yours were in. And as he slowly released a breath, you felt a flame spring to life. The fire in his hand started out no bigger that a flickering candle. But it quickly grew larger when he exhaled again. You watched as his body tensed up as he got ready to strike. It was probably a conditioned response to the years of fighting and combat training. You didn't take it personally but it did make you a little anxious.

Tentatively and with great hesitation, you ran your hand atop the flame to feel the heat. It was so warm. But you were careful not to linger as you didn't want to burn yourself. Almost instinctively your hands curved around the air above Zuko's spark. The slipped between the opening between his hands and the flame.

Zuko watched with wide eyes as you slipped the flame out of his hands and into your own. Like it had been a stone or a cup of water that he had been trying to pass to you. The flame danced in your hands as you slowly moved your arms back. As you fixed your eyes to the small flickering light, Zuko fixed his eyes on your face. He had never seen someone take control of another person's fire like that. The closest he could think of was how his Uncle had shown him how to redirect lightning. But even then that lightning wasn't held - it was tossed away. Yet you had taken the fire from his hands like it was the most natural thing in the world.

The prince sat back and watched with a hint of amazement as you maintained the flame. Was that something that all firebenders could do or just the Avatar? He wanted to try but if it was just an Avatar thing he didn't want to make a fool of himself. Although as he realized that he was gawking, the Fire Nation Prince already felt quite foolish. It was not a sensation that he particularly liked.

Zuko stood up quickly. His sudden movements caused you to lose concentration. The fire in your hand quickly shriveled up and disappeared. Which put the room right back into a half state of darkness almost immediately.

"That's it for the night. Get some rest. We are leaving for the palace in the morning."

"When the sun is up?" You asked quietly, still seated on the floor.

"Yeah, how did you—oh," Zuko stopped his own question when he realized what your own implied.

He still remembered how unprepared you were to see that much light. He remembered how you had lost your sight because of the shock. You had lived in darkness for six years and your eyes had adjusted to that level of light. They weren't ready for the summer time sun. Zuko couldn't help but wonder how long it would be before you weren't such a weak link. Would it take six years to get you back to normal?

"I'll figure it out in the morning. Just get some sleep. Tomorrow you're going to meet my father."

You nodded as you tried not to show how nervous you were. His father...the Fire Lord.

You definitely weren't ready.

A Kindred Spirit [Reader x Zuko]Where stories live. Discover now