Chapter One

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*FAIR WARNING* The first couple of chapters are a bit wonky. I wrote them for Nanowrimo 2012, without even so much as a spellcheck on it. So there will be typos all over the place, and it will be fixed ASAP. I hope it doesn't discourage you from reading though--All of your support is appreciated :)

Shattered Star
Chapter one

In the secret land of Astron, placed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the city of Yildun was asleep. The moonlight accompanied by the stars shone bright, illuminating every building in the town. An eerie silence had fallen over the city.  Nobody would have guessed that, inside the peaceful star temple havoc was rising.

“This makes no sense,” Joshua whined loudly. Vega rolled her eyes at him from her spot on the marble floor. She had heard all his complaints all day long. In fact, the general mood between Garnet, Joshua, and herself had gradually gotten worse for the past three weeks.

“Stop complaining, big boy!” she said with a yawn and kept flipping through the pages in her book. Solem, the Elders honestly had to update their language from ancient to make it easier to understand. This book and many others had threatened to lull her to sleep every minute of the time that she spent in front of them.

“But this is agonizing, I’ve tried this for the past week and there’s nothing coming forth,” he continued. Vega looked up at him. He was gesturing to a silver telescope that was in front of him facing the dark sky.

“It’s true, Vega,” Garnet interrupted. Vega looked at the Elder, his white hair was tussled from having a hand running through it in frustration one too many times and his beard was unkempt. The thing that showed how much work he had put into this was the massive bags he had under each eye though.

“We aren’t getting anything we can use from the Star-scope. In fact, we have only gotten one thing, which is the only thing either of us has been able to read,” the Elder continued. Vega looked down at her book again. She didn’t know much of the technicalities in star reading, but she didn’t believe it to be easy.

Garnet and Joshua were the only ones taught in the fine art of star reading. She could help with only so much. Unfortunately, when her two selves had morphed into one, she hadn’t gotten Miriam’s joy for reading. Instead, she was stuck with Annabell’s hate for it.

Vega rubbed her forehead, thinking of the two souls she had inside her, were enough to make her head hurt in ways she couldn’t explain.

“I just wish I knew what ‘start’ meant,” Joshua mumbled. With a groan, he rubbed his eyes, “I need a break.”

Vega looked at his back as he went out the door without a second glance at her. Part of her wept over the distance that had formed between them after she had revived him and had rose to her true form. Of course, the part that wept was Annabell while her other self was hurting from the betrayal of her first crush who turned out to be one of her archenemies.

Battling with the confusion of two teenage girls emotions inside wasn’t easy, and it had affected her relationship with Joshua. The last month had been far from a blast.

“You should go talk with him.” Vega looked up to see Garnet smiling down at her with saddened eyes. Nodding slightly, she rose, and with a small wave of her hand, she went after Joshua.

He was standing in the temple’s garden with his back to her. Vega watched as a gentle breeze caught his blonde hair that had grown too long. The rope he was wearing was similar to hers, standard wear in the temple. Something which Garnet demanded when they first started this adventure.

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