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Felix glanced down at his phone and sighed before he shoved it back into his pocket. He glanced up at Jisung, his eyes softening at how Jisung kept glancing back and forth along the street. Felix had only planned to wait a while with him since he was quite curious about who you were as well, but they have been waiting for longer than Jisung had verbally anticipated and you still haven't turned up yet.

"Jisung," Felix called, his voice showing mild distress.

"Yeah?" Jisung looked behind him at his friend, his brows furrowed and his eyes holding a glare that was not meant for Felix.

"Are you still waiting?" Felix asked, ignoring the firm gaze thrown at him. "It's been an hour."

Jisung nodded, his lips pursing tightly as if to prevent the negative thoughts from being voiced. You would be here, he believed. You promised him. "Yeah. I told them I'm not leaving unless they show up."

"Oh... I..." Felix sighed in confusion. "What is the situation, exactly? Did you have to give them something important?"

Jisung was already reluctant when he mentioned that he planned to wait with him. Felix chalked it up to Jisung being possessive of your relationship and chose to stay behind anyway. But, seeing that it has been an hour and most students have already left the school premises, this felt like an urgent matter rather than a slight obsession of a new crush, which was still just an assumption on his part. He knew nothing about you and who you were to Jisung, after all.

"No, but it is about something important," Jisung replied with his eyes dead-set on the street far down. "They promised me they would be here, and I told them I won't leave until they arrive, so I'm waiting."

"Oh... well, I have to leave, though," Felix pointed behind him at the bus-stop far away. "I have to head to the tutoring center."

"You should go then," Jisung urged, waving his hand dismissively without sparing a glance at his friend. "You don't want to be late."

Felix quietly left his side. A part of him didn't plan for his friend to see him act all nervous and fidgety anyway. It was an uncommon sight for him to be all sweaty and anxious like this. Not to mention how pathetic he felt when it dawned upon him that this tightness came from the simple thought of you backing out on your words.

His frown deepened as each seconds tick past and you were still nowhere to be found. He was seriously contemplating heading to where you left off this morning in hopes to see if he would stumble upon the shop you worked in somehow. But you would have already left your work, would you not? Your next job should be the convenience store... no, that was on weekends!

Before Jisung could make sense of his plan to find out where you were, he looked up from the ground and found you rushing towards him with an unamused expression. He breathed out a heavy sigh and straightened his back as you approached him quickly. He threw you a pout when you were within earshot, frustrated that it took you so long to arrive and without an ounce of anger in his being.

"What took you so long?" He whined. "I thought you backed out!"

"I had to stay behind for a bit because someone didn't show up today," you replied. "I thought you knew? I told you not to wait for me."

"When did you tell me?" Jisung asked incredulously.

"I sent you something! I put it on a birdie and sent it to you!"

Oh, that was you.

"[Name], I don't understand birds!" he exclaimed with a growing smile, throwing his arms up in defeat.

You stared at him, eyes wide in deep thoughts. Then, comedically, you pointed a finger at him and tapped against the air. "Yeah, I always thought how much that must suck for you guys," you mentioned, causing Jisung to drop his jaw in disbelief.

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