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Jisung did not return your calls nor reply to your messages. You did not necessarily want to pull the strings out for this, but after minutes of spinning around in a circle in this shopping area to find no traces of him, you opted for the easier way out: you pulled at him by the soulmate string.

You were there before you knew it, running after where the string was leading you and finding yourself at an emptier part of the shopping area. There were more cars than people here, and most stores were restaurants with little to no people. You slowed down to catch your breath then, your hands were on your knees as you inhaled and exhaled rapidly. When you were finally done, you stood up straight and called out for his name.

Jisung froze on the spot. It was just a habit to respond whenever you called out to him, and he would turn around to respond with a bright grin. He turned around this time, but his face remained grim and betrayed. However, part of him relaxed when he saw that you were safe and sound before him. He waited as you jogged up to him and stopped before you crashed into his body.

"Hey, I'm back," you said. "Did you manage to catch up with everyone else?"

He shook his head, a frown tattooed on his face. "No, I was busy worrying about you."

You smiled a little and shrugged. "I already told you I would handle the situation."

He sighed. You didn't understand him. You couldn't understand his feelings of panic and fear. Perhaps this was all just an easy feat to you because you were born with the ability to physically defend yourself, from being able to do fantastic things and the ability to self-heal. But to him, an ordinary boy, none of this was breezy and understandable. What he saw in Minho was what he would see in someone holding a knife and marching toward him. Minho was a person who could do you harm.

It was not about you being able to take care of the situation. It was about him not knowing what was happening and being forced to be scared in a tiny corner. It seemed as if his feelings were disregarded when you kept brushing him off with a half-hearted laugh.

"How am I supposed to know that? I cannot be sure of that!" He reasoned in a fury haze. "Maybe you have the upper hand with danger when you are here, but I doubt you do when you are facing someone who has the same capability as you."

"Jisung, I am literally standing here now." You awkwardly laughed. " It's really not that big a deal."

"Yes, it is! My feelings are a big deal!" He pointed at himself repeatedly, his fingers jabbing at his chest as his eyes emphasized how hopeless and inferior to you he had felt. His eyes were staring into your soul angrily. They made you shiver. "I am allowed to be scared for you and not be teleported away without my consent when you need me!"

You kept silent for a second. Your brain was processing his words and fishing out specific details to fit a narrative only you understood selfishly. You could not understand his frustration; where was it coming from? Why should he be upset? Your issues were never his, even though you knew he has the desire to shoulder your burdens for you. You didn't need him to, though. You never wanted him to either, because what can he help with? Not much in terms of providing real solutions.

You shook your head and sighed, "Is that it? You didn't like it when I used magic on you without asking?"

"What–my god, no–yes! But that is not the point I am making!" Jisung exclaimed, messily waving his hand as he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head to calm the ringing noises in his head. Speaking came as a strain to him. He hated fighting with you. He wanted this to end. "It's not that. I'm mad because you pushed me away again when there was a problem, which you promised me before you would stop doing. You won't let me help you."

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