New Directions

8 0 0

Her world spun around.
In a blink it was there,
And in the next it was gone.

Her hands laid empty,
Holding on to the vaccum,
Lost in the maze of deciet.

Her beats went slow,
Drowning in numbness,
As all hopes went astray.

She slipped, she fell,
Into a quagmire of dark thoughts,
Never to be revived again.

Her eyes lost its shine,
Lost in the facade, of happy smiles,
That hid the numbing heart beat.

She needed to see
The reason to stay afloat,
Amidst the constant murmurs.

She prayed to forget,
The promises she believed
That burnt her faith forever.

She embraced the solitary,
Her friend in silence and in chaos,
Feeding her strength, drip by drip.

She rose from the marky ashes,
Setting on a wave, of new directions,
With hope surging, as the eyes smiled.

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