Hyunsuk | Chance

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I woke up to pleasant rays of the morning sun hitting my face. Minute dust particles and orangish light filtered in through unfamiliar white curtains, its beauty was something I would have loved to admire on any other day.

But today, I didn't. My head was throbbed with pain, the foulness of my own breath giving me concussions. My breath, however, was not the main subject of my concern.

This place wasn't my house. The bed, the walls, the chair, no, they weren't mine. Soccer t-shirts adorned a major part of the room, a few musical instruments scattered around the room.

"Good morning," a boyish voice greeted me.

I jumped, previously not noticing the boy near the door. I raised a brow, confused by him addressing me by my name.

"Who are you?" I asked him, my tone sharp. I didn't remember coming here, I most certainly did not know this man.

Bits and pieces of the previous night's events, flashes of certain scenes, crossed my mind, but they were of no help. It was like a puzzle with important pieces missing, incomplete and unclear. I went to a club, danced, had fun with my friends, got drunk, but that was where all the recollections stopped.

"Don't remember a thing?" he asked, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. "No wonder, you were quite drunk yesterday."

"That doesn't answer my question," I snapped. I didn't appreciate people telling me how drunk I was.

"Don't remember my name? I told you last night," he shrugged, a playful smirk playing on his lips.

I clicked my tongue with annoyance. A few of my clothes were scattered around the room, but I couldn't care less. This wasn't the first time something like this was happening.

The boy entered the room, walking towards the bed. He was handsome - dark brown hair with yellow highlights, a high-bridged nose, a well-defined jawline, beautiful brown orbs - he was extremely good-looking.

"Take this," he offered me a tablet and a glass of water, placing a bottle on the table next to the bed.

"Thanks," I mumbled. He sat uncomfortably close to me. Being sober and fully aware of my actions and surroundings, I moved a little, allowing a small yet significant gap between us to avoid our thighs from brushing.

He giggled, probably finding my guard and doubtful gaze hilarious. His hands reached for the blanket wrapped around a and he pulled it up higher. I flinched from his sudden action, moving further away from him closer to the headboard.

"What's your name?" I repeated. His careless, easy-going attitude was getting on my nerves.

"Don't you remember?" he asked quizzically. "My name seemed to flow off your mouth pretty well yesterday night."

My cheeks flushed at his remark and I suddenly hoped to disappear. That was not something I'd like him to talk about.

He inched closer to my face, hand settling on either side of me. Slightly panicking from his sudden move, I moved back, only for my head to hit the wall almost instantly. I could feel his hot breath mix with mine as he stopped a few inches away from mine. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ears and whispered:

"Hyunsuk. Choi Hyunsuk," he introduced himself, but this was not the best way in which he could introduce himself. Heat rushed to my cheeks and my heart thudded wildly against my chest.

"I hope you know how hot you are, and how much I wish yesterday night to extend forever," he whispered teeth grazing ever-so-slightly against my earlobe. An uncontrollable gasp escaped my mouth.

"Forget it," I snarled. Flirting didn't go well with me. But there was a small part of me that undeniably got excited from his desire-coated words. Of course, before I could dwell on my feelings, my mind was reminded of another important matter. He must have noticed the change it brought to my face because he immediately clarified it for me.

"Don't worry, I used a condom," his face was still dangerously close to mine, but he shot me a small, genuine smile that made me feel at ease.

"Again? I want you to be sober, and though I might be a stranger, I want you to give me a chance," he whispered, his breath fanning my lips. His eyes flickered down to my lips, before fluttering back up as if he was having an internal debate.

I seriously considered pushing him back and eluding his house for good, but the way his brows knitted together with doubt, the way he seemed to be struggling to keep his control, it made me want to give him what he wanted.

After all, one chance wouldn't hurt, right?

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