Treasure Reactions | Outing

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Date in an amusement park


~Gets excited
~Tries every ride
~Screams his lungs out
~A big no to the ghost house
~You persuade him
~You fail
~But a happy date
~Wraps up with romantic dinner


~Extra as always
~Doesn't forget to flirt
~Cotton candies
~One drink
~Two straws
~Piggyback ride
~Makes sure his wallet is empty before returning home


~Isn't calm for once
~Enjoys everything
~Even ghost house
~Ice creams
~Buys you everything you ask for
~loving gaze
~Kiss in the ferris wheel
~Holds hand
~Walks with you to your house


~A legit kid
~Aegyo overload
~Runs around
~Scared to try everything
~Merry go-round doesn't sound bad
~Clings on to you in a roller coaster
~And ghost house
~Scarred for life
~Wants you to walk with him
~Invites inside the house
~Introduces to mom


~Ready for everything
~Guides you
~Isn't the short, cute one
~Protective when some boys flirt
~Mood out
~You soothe him
~Enjoy together
~Had a great day
~Watch sunset together


~Ready to be dragged around
~Your puppet
~And nation's son-in-law
~Scared for his life
~Because you are wild
~And he is soft
~Attractive mullets
~Says cheesy things
~Feeds you
~Coochie coochie coo


~In his world
~Does everything you ask him to
~Reacts only during rides
~Back to his world
~Walks away
~Loses you
~Realizes too late
~Date changed into a search mission


~Ready to be dragged around 2x
~Keeps you engaged
~Careful about his suggestions
~Wants you to be happy
~And kisses
~Sings a song
~In Ferris wheel
~Makes you emotional


~Where there are girls
~There is a Doyoung
~Pulls you
~Tries rides with other girls
~You are pissed up
~Runs to you
~Does aegyo
~Suddenly romantic
~Says he loves you and you only
~And that's true


~Ready to be dragged around 3x
~Innocent af
~Attracts everyone's eyes
~But has eyes only for you
~A literal baby
~Cries inside the ghost house
~Back to normal
~Ice creams
~Warm hugs
~You are small
~Cute couple


~Jumps around
~Happy baby
~Mouth working nonstop
~Surprisingly funny
~New meme faces
~Awkward after date
~Comes to your house
~Sees your dog
~Runs away


~Very awkward
~Disappears every 5 seconds
~Fun person
~Happy to be with you
~Enjoys like a baby
~First kiss!

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