WORK part 2

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Hay ok before we begin I'm going to tell you Izuku's power in the next chapter.
I know you might hate me for that but hear me out.
I need to finish what he dose for work. Then I'm going to tell you what his power is and after that we will get on with the store.

Time for my night jobs.

It's now 11:00 pm and I'm making my way from the anamal shelter to the local orphanage with the stuff I bought from the store and the money I erned. I have $415 from the wallets and watches but after I bought the food I have $150. I made $60 from the Enchanted Cat Cafe so I really have $210. The orphanage is in shambles and the care tacker don't take care of the kids at all. It's disgusting and I hate it but at least the kids have a roof over there haeds and a bed to sleep on. Granted the roof leaks every where except the care tackers room. And all the beds are paper thin and uncomfortable. How do I know this you may ask easy I've stayed the night before. I stayed for some of my friends that are here. I come by every night but I stay the night every Tuesday and Thursday because that is when the care tacker is out drinking or in a comma from drinking.

I make it to the building and go around to the left side. The other kids leave a window open for me so I can get in (remember izuku is 11 years old right now). I climb in the window and I'm greeted by one of the other kids my best friend shinso. We have a system if the care taker is not home no one is waiting on the other side of the window but if the care tacker is home then there is someone on the other side of the window to greet me.

(Izuku = I, Obi = O, and Other kids = K)
(does any one know what anime has someone with the name Obi? I love you if you know)

'Hay izu' - O
Hay Obi. I'm guessing the bitch is home? - I
'Yeah. . . . It's so good to see you' - O
It's good to see you to. How's everyone doing? - I
'Come see for your self' - O

With that me and Obi start walking down the hall making are way to the last room. The farthest room from the care tackers room. I take 3 steps in the room before I'm tackaled to the ground by all the other kids.

(there are 10 kids including Obi that live in the orphanage. Izuku and Obi are 11 years old. Then you have twin boys [Jake and James] and a girl [Sarah] at the age of 9 and one 7 year old girl [Harley] then there's three 6 year old girls [Emma, Alex, and maggie] and one 4 year old girl [Operetta] with long brown hair and big red eyes. Izuku sees her as his little sister and loves her)

All the kids get off me except Operetta she just stays there cleanging to me. So I just grab her and stand up. I walk to the senter of the room and set Operetta down then I get the food from the store, the food from Danny's restaurant, and the $210 dallors out of me bag and lay them out on the floor.(yeah he has his yellow bag it's just a little bigger)

All the girls (except Operetta) run to the center and grab all the candy and the food from Danny's.

I = Izuku, O = Obi (Obi has a tech quirk called metal work. It lets him make anything he wants out of metal. Great for making supper gear), TT = Twins (yes both of them they have a quick called connected comilean. Basecly the twins are one person split it two so most of the time they talk at the same time and they can change of there skin and clothes to blend in like a comilean. So if one is hurt the other is hurt, they can talk together in there minds, and they talk and act the same. But that also means if one of them dies the other will to.), A = Operetta(I'm using the last letter because Obi and Operetta start with O and she does not have a quirk yet. She is also really small and frail)

'wow that's a lot!' - TT said looking at the food and then the money.
'Yeah it is' - O said looking at the money and then Izuku
What? - I
'um izu...... do you have any food or money left for yourself?' - A
Yeah and I eat before I came here! - I
Obi raised a eyebrow at Izuku but Izuku ignored it.
'Okay' - A
Are you hungry Oppa? - I (Izukus Nick name for Operetta is Oppa. And yes I love avitar the last air bender☺️)
'yes!' - A
Okay go play with the twins while I make you a beantbutter sandwich - I
'Okay!' - A said before running over to the twins that had just got done fighting the girls for a bag of Skittles.
Obi stared at Izuku as he made the sandwich.
'Sooooooo you eat and still have money after all this?' - O said staring right into
Izuku's eyes.
Yes? - I - said as he finished the sandwich and brought it to Operetta.

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