!DOWN! Sinking! But No One was there.

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Izuku woke up so happy. He was going to the quirk doctor today. He went and woke up his mom and then went to the kitchen to get started on breakfast. Izuku was a smart kid he helped with everything around the apartment with out being asked most of the time. Inko was always so greatful. Working 3 jobs can really wear some one out so izuku was her little angel. She couldn't wait for her son to get an amazing quirk and become a hero. He was already her little hero. But she wanted the whole world to see him and how amazing he was going to be.


Inko and Izuku were waiting for the doctor to call them to tell them the reasults and what quirk he would have.


Me and Mom are waiting and I just can't sit still I'm buzzing with excitement. Mom had to tell me to relax a few times but I could tell she was happy and excited to. After a little while the doctor called are name and me and Mom went in a room and sat down. Down. . . . . . . .it all started to go down after that. The doctor greeted my mom and when I said hi he looked at me in disgust. My mom was about to say something but the doctor looked down at me straght in the eyes and said. You are quirkless. After he said that I zoned out I could still hear him talking to Mom. But at that moment I was going down. I was sincking like a brick and no one was helping me. No one. No one at all.

After a little bit mom grabbed me really hard and started to drag me to the car. I didn't resist. We got in the car and the drive home was silent. when we got in are apartment mom started to hit me. After about a hour of mom hitting me she sent me to my room and to not come out until morning. And so I did as told I was not dumb I new what was happening and I new crying about it would not help and it sure as hell was not doing to make it stop so I slowly started to turn myself off. So I could not feel the pian anymore.


Next was hell. Kacckan took me being quirkless as me braking our promise that me and him would the best hero team and now we cant. Him and his friends started bullying me and really quickly it became physical bullying and the teachers even joined in.

The next 5 years of my life were like this. Wake up make breakfast for the she demon. Don't eat get beat go to school. Learn nothing because I'm already smart enough to take high School classes. Get beat and suicide baited by everyone including the teachers. Go home get beat don't eat go to bed and start it all over again.

But when I turned 9 something changed.

Cliff hanger sorry. But I hope you like it so far. Sorry it was short.
This chapter was more like a back story so the story really begins in the next one.
I'll get it to you as soon as possible.
Please tell me if you like you like it.

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