[19] ᴛʜᴇ sᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴛᴇɴsɪᴏɴ

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IN THIS PAST MONTH I HAVE BEEN A ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS, I was going through the seven stages of grieving a breakup. Usually there are five stages but towards a breakup, there are two more stages.

After Eric said those words, it made my world crumble until I was nothing but an empty vessel whose soul was snatched and perished when he left. I was being over dramatic, but the truth is—I was not. I never poured my heart out to anyone before and when I did—it was like a slap in the face. I thought Eric and I felt the same towards each other, but clearly it was just one sided.

I felt miserable, dejected and gloomy.

My heart was broken beyond repair.

This was my first heartbreak, but it felt like it was more than that—it was amplified.

Solitary confinement was my sentence from heartbreak, it was an eye opener. I realized that there are a lot of things that have changed me and the things that I shouldn't revive. The thing that have changed is Eric and the other thing that I shouldn't revive was my feelings for Eric.

This was a paradox which made me contemplate my feelings towards him and my anxiety and overthinking was no help either. I stayed up thinking if I was the problem or he was the problem.

But the problem was us.

I never expected to fall for Eric yet I did and damn me, but he was worth falling for. He may have broken my heart but he also filled it with this feeling, I have never experienced before.

Was it lust, infatuation or love?

Whatever it was, it made me feel good—to the point where I was the happiest person in the world. I felt like the only girl in the world with Eric—in our own little universe.

During my heartbreak sentence a lot has happened around me and with me. For starters, my mother and father are at a good place and with Daniel too—we have this new found family dynamic, which is oddly fine. Secondly, John has been keeping tabs on Eric for me especially now since his parents are finalizing their divorce. And lastly, Artem and I had the 'feelings' talk and it was awkward at first but then it got worse because I broke down.

I never cried or broke down like I did that day with Artem, and bless his soul; he stayed and listened to me rant about Eric and such. He did not judge anything I was saying about Eric nor did he bad mouth him either. Artem stayed over and helped me with my feelings about Eric and about everything around me.

My mother knew what I was going through and comforted me as much as she could—she was right when she said that Eric is like my father—breaks your heart over and over.

Bella and John came over as well when Artem was around my house and they were compassionate and thoughtful friends. They helped me recover to normal human behavior that I was able to be in the same vicinity as Eric—I never see him yet, not even a glimpse of him or even his broad figure. Maybe he doesn't want to see me.

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