Chapter 4-Bad boy

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"Hey Zaynie" I said when Zayn answered the phone.

"Hey Cel. What you doing" Zayn said.

"Missing you. That's all" I said then Zayn laughed.

"My parents are gone for the weekend. They're visiting my auntie in Bradford" Zayn said then Kris walked in the room.

"Are you coming with mom me and Chris to the restaurant" Kris said then I smirked.

"No I'm going to Bethany's house" I said then Zayn laughed.

"All right" Kris said then closed the door.

"Coming right over Zaynie" I said then hung up.

(Bethany's P.O.V)

"Thanks for the ride home" I said then Edward grabbed my hand.

"Maybe I can come in? Meet your dad" Edward said then I chuckled.

"I think my dad will kill you. And you came on a motorcycle. You would be dangerous for me" I said then my dad opened the door.

"Bethany! Get in this house right now" Dad yelled then I got off Edward's motorcycle and ran in the house.

"Who is that boy" Dad said then someone knocked on the door.

"Can I come in" Edward said then Dad opened the door.

"Nice to meet you sir" Edward said then Dad shook his hand.

"How about you stay for dinner" Dad said then Edward looked at me.

(Zayn's P.O.V)

"Zayn? Are you here" Celina said then I grabbed her waist and kissed her neck.

"Zayn! Stop it" Celina said then I picked her up and she squealed.

"Put me down" Celina said then I spun her around the threw her on the couch.

"Let's go to your room Zayn" Celina said then grabbed my hand and walked to my room.

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