Chapter 3- Experimenting

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(Edward's P.O.V)

"So first we build the papier mache model then build the actual rocket" Bethany said then I groaned.

"I'm so bored" I said then Bethany sat on the bed.

"I don't want to be here either but I need good grade if I want to go to Carnegie Mellon" Bethany said then I looked at her.

"Dream school" I said then Bethany put her head down.

"Mom's before she died" Bethany said then I sat next to her.

"We should do the project" Bethany said then Gemma opened the door.

"Am I interrupting something" Gemma said then Bethany shook her head no and sniffled.

"Well it's almost time for dinner. Gottaa go Bethany" Gemma said then Bethany grabbed her books and left.

"Harry if that's your girlfriend don't get her pregnat okay? That's why we moved" Gemma said then walked out the room.

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