It's a wrap (part three/the final part).

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Hero's pov

I know I could've stayed at the wrap party, but it's nothing without Jo there. She say's she's alright, but I can see that she's not. I know she's sad that the filming is over, but seeing her this way makes my already-hurting-because-I-don't-know-if-she-misses-me-the-same-way heart feel even more heavy. She's one of the closest friend's I've ever had, and seeing her sad makes me want to cuddle her, kiss her and reassure that I am not leaving. But I can't, because maybe she doesn't even want me that way...

"Hey!" She says opening the doors. God she's so cute and pretty. I am getting ready to start with my speech when I notice...wait! Has she been crying? Oh no!
"Jo, ha-have you been crying?" wtf's wrong..? I wait for her to respond, but she's silent. I can see more tears swelling up in her eyes. Seeing her this way now, really brakes my heart.
"I-I-I just, l-" she starts stammering, but I stop her, putting down the hoodie in my hands, I come in her room, close the doors behind me and fly my arms around her. There. Now she's in my arms, safe, right by my heart where she should've stayed for the last 3 years. She's so tiny that I can wrap both my hands around her, I kiss her on her head and she nuzzles in my shoulder.

Jo's pov

I instantly relax. I am once again so thankful that he can practically read my mind. This is just what I needed. I take in his scent. The warmth of his body feels so familiar. I know that eventually I will have to talk to him, but right now, he is my safety net and I want to stay here, in his arms.

I feel him looking up at the TV:
"Hey, it's that ridiculous movie we watched last year in LA. What was it called... something with friends..."
"Friends with benefits." I say smiling at his chest.
"Ah, yeah, that's the name!" he exclaims. I shiver, still not being used to the temperature here in Bulgaria. I look up at him.
"Jo, you are freezing!" he says meeting my gaze. He is so tall. He detaches himself from me, leaving an unwanted emptiness. He goes and gets that piece of fabric that he was holding in his hand when he got here. T-shirt, sweatpants, a hoodie..? But he's already wearing one, not to mention he looks so handsome and cozy in his sweater and sweatpants...
"Here," he says giving me a sweater. "I remember you said that you liked it. At first I took it for myself from the set, but I liked how it looked on you." Aww, my heart swells. It's one of Hero's sweaters as Hardin from the set. I wanted to steal it, but the t-shirt smelled more like Hero so I took it instead of the sweater. I smile a huge smile and he does the same.
"Now put your arms up," Hero playfully demands. I oblige.
"Now you'll be warm," he adds pulling the sweater down my sides.
"Thank you so much, Hero. You know I love it. Thank you, really,"I respond. "Do you want to stay and watch the movie? I could order some the old times.."
He smiles and kisses me on my forehead:
"Wouldn't want it any other way. I just need to use the bathroom, but you go and order the best ice cream that they have here, you deserve it. Oh and count me in!" he calls heading to the bathroom.

Finally I feel some peace within me. I feel safe and warm, and cozy, the right place. I order a vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips and a strawberry ice cream with reese's cups that I know are Hero's favourite. Hero comes out of the bathroom. "God, he's so handsome," I droll in my mind.
"I ordered their best ice cream and put the movie on the start, we can't miss it," I say patting the bed next to me, giggling. Hero just smiles and gets under the bed sheets. He slides next to me and opens his arms gesturing to me:
"Come here." I do as he says and rest my head on his shoulder laying on the left side of his. This way I can hear his heart beat that's so comforting to me.

Hero's pov

I feel so calm and nostalgic. I love it here. I am afraid to brake our perfect bubble, but I have to ask her, just so I know.
"Jo? About's okay if you don't want to answer, but I need you to trust me. When you were crying, I mean I know that this is sad that the whole filming is ending, I hate it too. And I know that you are exhausted, but it absolutely brakes my heart to see you that way, so I have to ask you. Wh-why were you crying? Why now?" I feel her stiffen a bit, but I hug her even tighter, because I am not letting her go anywhere.
"Hero," pause. "I completely trust you, but I-I am just so afraid that our relationship will change if I really tell you how this all makes me feel. And that would completely wreck my heart and soul. I ju-" Jo stammers. I lift her chin up and place my hand on her cheek:
"Hey, I promise that the only thing that could break our bond or change the way I feel about you, is you telling me that you hate me. Nothing, nothing else can do it." I reassure her, meaning every single word. We stare at each other for seconds. I will say that it would make completely no sense, if she would tell me that she hates me, but I am getting stressed a bit, though.
"Okay, then," she starts. "Last year when we spent those three months in LA. I wa-I was the happiest I had been in such a long time. I loved every memory we created together, and I needed that then more than ever. So after that one night, I knew our relationship would change. We were left with two polar opposite choices. And I don't blame us for doing what seemed just right, but I wish that we hadn't lost what we had. With all this stress of filming, I loved having you by my side all these years, but now thinking that this all is over... I hate the idea of never meeting you again. I know I will miss you, and I feel like a damn school girl who has a huge crush on the school's most popular boy. Except, you are way more than just a popular school boy. I feel like were are silently getting ready to break something that hasn't even been created. And again, it stings me even more. That's why. That's why I've been so exhausted and so miserable. And today when you said you were leaving in less than 24 hours, I felt absolutely crushed, like my hands have been tied leaving me with nothing to do. But I knew that I couldn't just hop right on saying all this, hoping you would feel the same."
Wow. I wasn't ready for all this. I mean I feel so relieved that finally I know that I am not the only one who has been feeling miserable, but I hate hearing how bad she's been.
"I wish I would've tried harder," is all I say. Jo looks up and I instantly turn my head to the side so she doesn't see the tears in my eyes. Now it's her turn to cup my cheek and turn my eyes to her gaze.
"Look, you just said everything I needed to hear. I thought you hated me for what happened the last year. I've felt so terrible, yet I've tried to steal every little moment just to be by your side," I admit. "Though I thought that the only decent thing that I owned you, was to give you space. I thought, that the force that was drawing myself to you was one sided. I tried to repulse it. But tonight, it broke me. Hell, I wished with my whole soul you'd feel the same." she wiped down the falling tear on my right cheek gently.
"I am so willing to try. Really try this time. Because I am exhausted from fighting, but I need to know that you are sure you want this. There is no rush. Just don't say it out of pity. I don't want you to do anything against your will. I mean it." I finish my confession.
She detaches herself from me, climbs just a little bit higher so we're at the same level, presses her forehead against mine and says:
"I do. I do want to try being with you. I haven't been more sure about anything." I kiss her, really kiss her and I feel her smile growing against my mouth.
"Do y-," Jo starts saying, but we are interrupted by the room service.
"I'll go get it," she says giving me a small peck on the lips before climbing out of the bed. Gosh, I love this woman.
"What I was saying , before we got so rudely interrupted," Jo says gesturing to the door. "If you remember, we bet on whoever cries on the final wrap day, owes the other their favourite dinner. So, whatever happens, you owe me a pizza takeout." she says proudly climbing back into the bed.
"Hey, don't forget it's even!" I remind her. "When we are back in LA, you'll have nowhere to hide. I will remind you what a good food is really like." I say starting to tickle-kiss her.

We spend the last day here in the best way possible. I know it's holiday season and we are going back to our families-mine in London and Jo's in Perth-but it's only a matter of weeks until we're back in LA, but this time as a couple.

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