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louis' pov

ugh, simon cowell is the worst thing that has ever happened to society. he's such a douchebag, why am i still working for him? oh yeah, i'm unwanted by every other label.

i sigh and start my car. i rub my eyes with my fists, ridding them of any sleep. i get my phone out of my pocket and called harry, who should be at home.

"hello?" "hey hazzie bear, how are you?" "terrible, lou. i miss you." "i miss you too, babydoll. i'll see you soon, though. i'm on my way home." "bubba, this is not healthy. you left at 10:30 this morning. it's 9:45 now."

i looked at the clock and realized harry was right. i sighed under my breath, but harry heard me.

"louis, get home. quickly, but safely. do i need to come pick you up?" "please?" "of course, boo. i'll be there in a few. sit tight, do not get out of the car." "okay. i love you." "i love you more."

i hung up the phone with harry and smacked my head on the steering wheel of my car. since harry was coming, i decided i could take a nap and wake up when he got here. i allowed my eyelids to get too heavy to hold open and they settled against my face lightly.

i was awoken by a light tap of a fingertip at my window. i jolted awake and slightly smiled as i saw harry. i opened the door and harry lifted me into his arms. i nuzzled my head into his neck, breathing in his tom ford tobacco vanille cologne. i tightly smiled as he nudged my head with his nose.

" 's gonna be alright, lou. i got you." i kissed his neck as a response and he carried me to his car after taking my keys out the ignition of my car and locking the doors.

he sat me in the passenger seat and i leaned my head on the window. harry got in the drivers side and laid his hand on my thigh, his thumb rubbing slightly. i smiled at the sweet gesture and put my hand upon his, lacing his ring-clad fingers to mine. he brought our hands to his mouth and kissed mine, then laid them down.

"go to sleep, louis. i'll be there when you wake up. it's okay. i love you."

i smiled, nodding at his sentence. slowly, i led my head to peace and allowed the exhaustion take over my body.

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