First Job Part 1/2

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Tintin pulled up to the diner, putting his car in park and turning the key to the "off" position. As he stepped out, he couldn't help but notice that the parking lot of the small diner he was at was practically empty, save for his, and two other cars.

He double checked the piece of paper he scribbled the address on, just to make sure he was at the right place, which appeared to be correct, the sign in front reading Mike's Diner.

The Captain had convinced him to go here for an interview for a job. Why he needed a job? That was purely beyond him, other than the Captain's statement that it would 'build character', whatever that meant. He had heard that they were looking for a waiter (since they didn't have any, he supposed), so he had called asking for a time to come in for an interview the day before. They told him to come in the next day at 5 pm, so here he was, standing in the parking lot, staring at the old, somewhat worn down diner.

A brassy bell chimed as he stepped through the door. He looked around the diner a bit, taking in the design of the interior. Besides the fact that it looked unkempt, it was a very snazzy, old-timey looking place.  The booths and stools all looked like they came straight out of the rock n' roll 50's, as did the decorations.  A jukebox sat in the back left corner, playing a quiet little jazzy tune.

He didn't see anyone in the actual dining area of the diner, which didn't surprise him seeing as it wasn't the most well-kept place, and kind of turned you off of it at first sight.

All of a sudden, there was a chime noise that made Tintin jump. He turned towards the direction the sound originated from. His eyes met a girl, most likely in her late teens or early twenties, who had opened the cash register and was counting a stack of cash from the tray. She had short blonde hair with pink ends styled in a bob, and she was only an inch or two taller than him, which was saying something seeing as she was taller than the average girl. Her eyes lazily came up to meet his, chewing gum rather loudly, and then returned back to counting a moment later.

"Are you here for the waiter job?" She asked, not looking up to meet his gaze.

" yea. Yes, that's me, I'm uh...I'm Tin-"

"Go see Turner. He's in the back." She cut him off in an uninterested tone.

"Oh...uh...ok, yea."  He said, awkwardly scratching his neck.  He came around the counter, trying not to make awkward eye contact with her. He opened the door to the back, which revealed a small kitchen.  There was one stove on the wall where the door was, and a deep fryer on the adjacent wall, with a sink opposite of the stove.  At the sink stood a hefty man, with somewhat of a beer belly.  He had on a cook's apron and a foldy fry cook hat.

Tintin cleared his throat to get his attention, and the man spun his head around to see who was in the room.  When he saw Tintin, he mumbled a quick 'oh' and swiftly turned off  the water, wiped off his hands on a towel, and turned to face Tintin.

"Hi there!  I'm Turner.  You must be Tintin, right? The kid that called earlier?"  Turner said, sticking his hand out to shake.

"Yup, that's me."  Tintin said, shaking the man's outstretched hand. 

"Alright, awesome!  Could you follow me really quickly, I'm just gonna give you a quick interview."  Turner said, walking towards a door at the back of the room, which Tintin supposed led to the office. 

Turner opened the door for him, and Tintin walked in and sat in the chair opposite the desk.  Turner followed behind and sat across from him.

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