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"You ready, kiddo?" Tony asked as he shut the passenger side door of his Egyptian-blue Bentley. He wore plain civilian clothes consisting of jeans, sneakers, an AC/DC t-shirt stained with grease, and an MIT sweatshirt. There was no need to wear any of his annoying-as-Hell suits Pepper always made him wear during galas and press events. Not when he was just teaching his kid how to drive.

Peter held the steering wheel in an iron grip, his nerves going haywire as he examined all of the buttons and controls on the dashboard. His anxiety rose when he realized that this car was undoubtedly worth more than his entire apartment and everything in it. Including May's car, a small Nissan from 1999 that had countless knicks and dents maring its sun-faded red paint.

Being incredibly poor, the Parkers didn't have many belongings, none of which were expensive or high-end. Even while Ben was alive, they barely scraped by, living paycheck to paycheck more often than not. It was even worse now that it was only May and him. But he tried to push those depressing facts from his mind as he focused on the brand-new and probably insanely-expensive car he was going to drive straight into New York traffic during the middle rush-hour and probably crash because he only drove in a parking lot once before and had just gotten his permit and-

"Woah there, kiddo." Tony gently poked Peter's shoulder, chuckling at Peter's nervous demeanor. "Ease up on the wheel. It isn't going anywhere." The teen's powers and immense strength were unmatched by almost anyone or anything on their planet and others. Certainly not a steel rim coated in plastic.

"Oh, shi- uh, I mean shoot." Peter quickly retracted his hands from the deformed wheel, which looked more like a twisted oval rather than the perfect circle it had been only a few moments prior. "I'm s-so sorry, Mr. Stark!" he stammered out, truly upset by the fact that he damaged his mentor's car. "Oh god, I broke it. I didn't mean to-to break your car."

Tony shushed his protégé, smiling affectionately at the flustered teen he'd grown to love so much. "Kiddo," he rested a hand on Peter's bony shoulder in an attempt to ground him. "It's fine," Tony assured. "You didn't break the car, and you can still drive it. The wheel is just... a little messed up. No biggie."

"A little messed up?" Peter looked at Tony incredulously. "No, biggie!"

"Yep," Tony said as he put his sunglasses on and leaned back against his seat. A disfigured wheel wasn't a problem for the billionaire who created Avengers tech, Iron Man suits, and countless other machines. He and Peter could replace a steering wheel with their eyes closed. "Now buckle up."

Peter did as he was told and reached around to his left and grabbed the seatbelt. But the strap wouldn't release from its retracted position on the side of the car. After fumbling with it a third time, Peter used a bit more of his strength and yanked on the seatbelt, ripping it right off the wall.

"Um..." Peter hunched in on himself and held out the torn seat belt so Tony could see it. He half expected the man to be furious, considering he ruined another piece of equipment. Instead of being angry, Tony laughed. The billionaire couldn't stop smiling at how adorable the kid was.

"It's okay, Pete," Tony said once he'd calmed down enough to speak clearly. "Just take a deep breath and start the car."

"O-okay." Peter nodded, hesitantly putting his hands back on the wheel. His skinny body shuddered every time a car sped by, his spider-sense alerting him to the potential danger each vehicle possessed. Usually, his spider-sense could discern actual threats from possible dangers as well as the severity of each threat.

But, Peter had never driven before, not outside of the safety of a vacant parking lot, anyway. His spider-sense didn't know what to make of this situation and, since cars were technically death machines on wheels, it was merely alerting Peter to each possible threat that sped by.

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