Grim pt five

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Leera is based off of a Qiong Qi, which is a huge, white winged tiger from Chinese mythology. It sometimes has horns and feeds on humans. In this story, Leera has only horns. The lizard aliens are based off the Tarasque, which is a cryptid found in warm regions that first originated from France.

"This is not how I wanted to spend my spring break," Peter mumbled under his breath as he trudged through one of the many dense forests of Montana. He had been walking for nearly seven hours and was still nowhere close to where he and the rest of the team landed in the quinjet that morning. Birds were chirping and various animals and insects skittered about. The scenery was gorgeous and he might have appreciated the forest around him had he not been lost.

Earlier that day, Dr. Strange had notified the Avengers - he didn't call the Guardians of the galaxy because they annoyed him - of an inter-dimensional portal that had opened up in South Montana. He teleported there immediately and found that the portal had been conjured by Baron Mordo, an old friend turned rogue. They fought, and he banished Mordo to another dimension then closed the portal. But not before three alien creatures came through. That's where the Avengers came in.

It didn't take them long to find two of the creatures. A nearby town was in complete chaos as the two bus-sized lizard creatures crushed cars and toppled buildings. Sadly, dozens of people were already dead and thousands of dollars in damage had been caused. It was during their fight that Peter had gotten lost.

Peter's main priority was getting the people and animals to safety. So while the team was escorting everyone to Stephen, who was using a portal to transport them to safety, Peter took up the job of distracting.

He picked up a nearby motorcycle and threw it at one of the giant lizard's faces, effectively getting its attention. As it ran towards him, Peter used his webs to trip it, which sent the ugly beast barreling into its companion, who screeched loudly and snapped at the other. There were still civilians that needed to be saved, and he didn't want his family to get overrun, so he bolted at full speed into the forest behind the town, with the two aliens hot on his trail.

Once they were deep enough into the Forest, Peter attempted to lose his pursuers. The aliens were as big as school buses, had huge teeth and long claws, and were all-around terrifying. He had absolutely no clue how to effectively take them out. He also really didn't want to kill them if he didn't have to. Luckily, the aliens were fast runners but terrible climbers. So it was relatively easy for Peter to escape.

The only problem now was that he had absolutely no clue where he was. His stomach was growling, and his hands shook from his usual post-mission blood sugar drop from exerting so much energy. The sun was beginning to dip below the trees, and the temperature was steadily dropping. Aimlessly walking wasn't helping him, but he didn't know what else to do.

"KAREN?" Peter spoke inside his mask. "Any luck in contacting dad... or anyone?" This was the thirtieth time he'd asked so far.

"I'm afraid not, Peter." The AI replied, genuinely apologetic. "The geomagnetic energy is powerful in this area and is interfering with my system and your comm unit. The recently opened portal has caused a rise in this energy and will take time to naturally decrease to its normal levels. Until then, I am unable to communicate with FRIDAY or anyone else."

Sighing heavily, Peter took a seat in front of a massive ponderosa pine tree. Its bark was rough and scratchy, but he didn't care at that point. He was thoroughly worn out from the day's events. Besides, if he didn't take a break, he'd surely pass out from malnutrition.

"This isn't good." He put his head in his hands. "Dad's probably freaking out. And what if those creepy lizard freaks find their way back to the town?"

"Peter," KAREN spoke softly, concern seeping into her voice, "your heart rate is elevated. I suggest you take some deep breaths and attempt to calm down."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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