Snowed In

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So, this is my holiday short romance story and I hope you all enjoy it :)


I thought that buying this car would put me out of all my problems; however, it just created a bigger one. Sure, I didn't have to walk to my university classes or to the grocery store any more, but today, the day after a humongous snow storm, this car was pretty well useless.

Yesterday, December 23rd, Mother Nature decided to grace the citizens of Hidden Valley with a freak snow storm. I remember sitting beside my window last night, wrapped up in a warm blanket and drinking from a hot mug of cocoa, watching the array of snowflakes fall gently onto the front lawn. However, waking up on Christmas Eve and looking out at two feet of snow of the ground isn't exactly an ideal picture in my mind, especially due to the fact that I had about fifteen minutes to get to work.

I tried one more time, turning on the engine of this piece of junk car and reversing out of the driveway, but in reality, the car rolled a good centimetre backwards before the tires started to spray snow up into the air.

Turning off the car and taking my keys out of the ignition, I banged my freezing forehead onto the steering wheel wondering what else I could do to get to work. I considered walking momentarily but figured that with my light boots and the bellowing freezing temperature outside right now I had no chance of surviving the walk to my job without frostbite or severe hypothermia.

Just when I was about to give up and take my cellphone out to call in sick there was a knocking on my window.

Slanting my head, I could see the outline of a human through the frost on the window. I sighed, picking up my bag, which had been tossed into the back seat, and opened my car door, coming face to face with my roommate Amanda.

Amanda was what you could call a winter beauty. She had pin straight white blond hair that looked gorgeous against her almost pale skin and bright blue eyes that captivated even the smartest duckling in the room. Even though Amanda was built like a Barbie doll on the outside, she had the brains of Einstein in her. Working on a degree in the medical field, she was still deciding what type of medicine to specialize in when she applied for her PHD.

"Your car not working?" she asked with an amused smile on her face as she leant against the passenger door of her truck, which was parked right beside mine in our small driveway.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Nope, this thing couldn't brave the winter roads if you paid it a billion dollars." I stated sarcastically as I patted the hood of my good-for-nothing car.

Amanda smiled at me and nodded towards her truck. "Climb in, I'm heading to the airport to meet Ryan and I'm passing right by your work. I'll drop you off." she said, walking around to the driver's side.

Ryan was Amanda's long-term boyfriend and they had met in one of the genius courses they were both signed up for in high school. When university came they went their separate ways but managed to stay together and maintain their long-term relationship.

Climbing into the passenger seat, I shook my head in amusement as I turned to look at Amanda. "You guys won't make too much noise this time right?" I pleaded teasingly.

Amanda giggled slightly as she probably remembered the last time Ryan had come to visit over the Thanksgiving holidays. Let's just say I had to turn my headphones up all the way to tune out the sounds that were coming from her room across the hall.

"Umm... maybe you should stay at work until closing tonight if you don't want to hear anything." she replied slyly with a smirk plastered onto her face.

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