chptr 2

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Waking up at the start Levi realized where he was still in the back of the limousine but it felt different he look towards the windows just try and see where he was but they were tinted he couldn't quite look out they were too dark for him to get a good view all he could see were walls.

Suddenly Levi winding noise looking behind him Levi saw the glass panel that would usually lead to the drive seat start to come down. Levi out of fear hit the deck bringing himself to the floors closest he could "you can hide as hard as you can but we still know you're back there." Spoke a deep grumbling voice Lee line anticipation kept quiet close to the ground not leaving and moving an inch.

He heard the side frustration and the window went back up Levi then suddenly realized that his backpack was missing getting onto his knees he started to crawl around the limousine looking for it finally after reaching into a corner we felt the familiar sensation grabbing it and pulling it out he saw a tag "property of Marcus de Shaw and Ryan freelin" Levi spoke aloud. 

Thinking to himself "who the hell are these people I don't even recognize the names I mean Marcus de Shaw hell this doesn't even belong to them it's mine why is it marked as theirs." Suddenly Aaron heard the claim of metal looking up and surprised he moves the window squinting as hard as he could he could barely make out the sight of a metal fence he couldn't make out much more than that. Suddenly the car began to slow down losing speed and then just coming to an all-around stop.

Levi had to fear that something was about to happen to him moved into the crack where his backpack was pulling it in front of him to try and conceal his location. he heard the car door open and the man walk out on gravel. Levi plugged his nose and began to breathe through his mouth to make himself less vulnerable and conceal his sound suddenly the car door opened right in front of him Levi pulled his head down to his legs shaking and anticipation.

"What the hell!" The man shouted. the man turned around and booked it away from the car, Levi squeezing out of his tiny hole poked his head out the car window trying not to be seen what he saw in front of him left him stunned what looked like to be a two-story mansion in front of him. his jaw dropped pulling his backpack out and throwing it over his shoulder Levi put his hood on from his jacket he clicked on his backpack to make sure he was secure.

He looked around trying to find the metal gate seeing it a few yards away from him he knew it would be an easy sprint but his question was how is he going to get over it the Mansion was farther than the gate so it wouldn't be that far. Making a split second decision Levi made a mad dash for the gate. His hands reach out for the metal bar grabbing it feeling cold hard steel when both hands made it he began to shake the fence to test the sturdiness.

It was sealed up like an impenetrable fortress but there was a gap in between the bars that he could barely fit through squeezing and shoving his way through Levi popped out the other side. suddenly he heard a voice above him not as deep as the man's voice but it was there "sorry I have to do this but it's for your own good." Before  Levi could do anything he felt something hard then against his head and caused him to black out.


Waking up to fear Levi snapped to reality only to wake up to not what he expected his captors had put him in a bedroom? Levi out of confusion looked around it was a spacious room he was on what looks like a queen size bed he was on top of the mattress under a single blanket using his hand to move it off of him Levi saw it the metal shackle on his leg he was chained down he couldn't move or anything he was just chained. Looking next to him he saw a nightstand with a note on it that read "sorry I'm not here sweetheart I would have been there for you to wake up but they had to call a meeting last minute so I left you some food :-) Marcus and Ryan."

"Those names again" Levi thought. whoever these people were they kidnapped him and he needed to find a way out hopping out of bed he had noticed he had been changed into his comfort clothes from his apartment he was wearing his favorite Harry Potter pajama pants and a hoodie.

when he got a good look at the hoodie he didn't recognize it, he put his hands into the pockets he felt a slim piece of paper pulling it out seamlessly was another note this time "sorry pup didn't want to get you cold so I put on you in one of my sweaters hope you like it Marcus." Out of disgust Levi struggled out of the sweater and threw it into the corner of the room. 

"first they kidnapped me then they change my clothes then they chain me to a bed." Levi said disgusted. He moved to the corner of the room putting his ear to the wall trying to listen for something he couldn't hear anything too well but he did hear a massive group of people talking to be from what sounded like above him it wasn't when he put his ear to the wall it was when he pulled his ear off the wall when he wasn't focusing to the sounds next to him but the sounds above him so there were people above him needed to find a way to draw their attention.

But last minute before he was about to start shouting he thought what if these people were in on this what if he was there slave. He felt queasy at the thought it made him feel achy and sick he began to shake out of fear finally the reality of it all begin to settle in he had been kidnapped he had been brought to a place that he didn't know chained to a bed so he couldn't escape and now he was locked in a room with people above him that probably knew about him. Crawling into a corner Levi put his hands into his face and began to just cry the only thing he could feel on that moment was despair suddenly he heard a knock at the door a voice came through the voice from earlier. "Sweetheart you sound like you're awake are you in there if so can I come in....."

(On Hold) A'luna Of BloodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon