chapter 31

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Though a soft spoken man at heart Marcus was not afraid to get violent when needed but this was all so new to him that even he didn't know what to do, he was just a silent twisted and contorted mess of man once filled with pride and love

Now trembling and crying at the foot of the bed of his unconscious mate stifling and noise that came to his throat practically choking himself half to death 

It was definitely a sight to behold as the horrors of what he had witnessed finally started to get to him and break him bit by bit like a man carving through wood with a rusted knife because he was so strong it took so much more to break him and that's what he was scared of he wasn't kind of like Levi and apathetic like Ryan though Ryan could afford to be a bit nicer

Both of these two strong stoic men are now being reduced to puddles of what they once were Ryan being the only one who still had some semblance of what he what was having temporarily taken over running both the deep East and West packs temporarily Knowing that Marcus was in no state to do so

Ryan had been getting little to no sleep and when he came back to Marcus who had never left Levi's room he would fall unconscious either snuggling with Levi or collapsing on Marcus's shoulder.

He was working himself to the core and was practically getting weaker and weaker everyday so the grudgingly Marcus stood back up he began taking what work he could afford to take off Ryan's shoulders as much as he could but in one day in particular Ryan collapsed.

Only then did Marcus truly realize what all Ryan had been doing not only had he been simultaneously running both deep West and East packs but he had managed to get in communication with both North and South the two packs were famously hard to get in contact with outside of their own members visiting the East and West every so often for peace meetings and pack assemblies as honorary spokesman of their packs.

Marcus was really relaxing out in the hallway one night while he allowed both Ryan and Levi to catch up on their sleep It was a painfully slow process as he sat outside of the hallway clicking away at a laptop The light straining his eyes only then did he begin to hear his phone ring

Picking it up on the other end he heard the voice of Leo his best friend and Omega who claimed to have amazing news.

I managed to get in contact with the local vampire clan and they think they figured out what's wrong with Levi they're willing to meet with you tomorrow to discuss about it but they want you and Ryan to come alone I know it's risky but I think this would be a good chance for you to .

Did they say specifically what it was about how we could bring Levi out of this comatose state.

They never mentioned anything in specific or talked about how it could bring him out of the coma but they mentioned something related to his blood-based abilities and that it had a former connection to one of their clans leaders they wouldn't give me any more information outside of that and that they'd be willing to talk to you and exchange the information for a bit of supplies from the pack.

All right thank you Leo you don't know how much this means to me It helps a lot I'll set up a meeting with them as soon as I can I just have to finish this paperwork and then I should be able to call them up and maybe we can get some time set up to meet tomorrow.

Hey I'm also calling to check in on you I heard about Ryan collapsing and it doesn't sound fun how are you holding up I know you've been kind of mentally reclused ever since Levi was brought back.

I'm fine if you should be worried about anyone you should be worried about Ryan he didn't only collapse apparently he had worked himself to the brink of exhaustion apparently he was an extreme case of dehydration and sleep deprivation that caused him to collapse apparently he was lucky to get out with just that I've had him put on temporary relief until he can get back up on his feet properly but until then I'm only running the East and West as best as I can we're supposed to have representatives from the North and South come in in a few days to help take over things A sign of goodwill to help ease the pressure.

Really The deep north and south are getting involved I mean I knew we were allies on a fundamental level but I didn't think our relationship was that good.

Well after the incident with Ryan's mother a few years back they've owed us for quite a long time and they're finally paying it back through this they'll be bringing relief packages so the pack can finally start to recover from our leave of absence I'm just hoping they don't wimp out on us Ryan was actually looking forward to one of the people coming over apparently was a close friend of his as a child but she was drafted into the south pack a while later.

You know as much as the cold dude is he seems I don't think he's at that.

He really isn't He's just cold and a bit cut off for people It only seems that he can really truly open up to me and Levi and me I'm a special case because well history would lead me to believe that he started to trust me of it but everything else would lead to that being BS but no matter what I can't really blame him he lost his mother and his dad left only a few months ago after retiring practically abandoning Ryan and I wouldn't blame Ryan for being upset as he is, his mother was murdered by humans in front of his eyes and his father didn't come to her funeral no shit he'd have some issues.

Okay okay I get dude relax you love and care for him I get it so just chill no one's gunna fuck with him so long as your around him.

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