Sarah's arrival

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  • Dedicated to Jennifer Prince

Janice grabs her backpack, thrusts open the front door and hurries to the bus stop. She barely arrives there in time to catch it. She follows her neighbor, Max and his little sister up the steps. She catches disgusted looks passed between them right before they hustle off to the back.

     In Judy R High, Janice isn't well liked. Ever since people found out that she is related to a billionaire, they haven't been very excited about socializing with her. But that isn't the only bad thing for Janice. To make matters worse, she has to ride a bus fulled with middle schoolers. The school district is too cheap to purchase a separate bus for the high schoolers around here which often gets on Janice's nerves considering how she sits right in front of a couple of 6th graders.

    Janice slides into her seat, two rows right behind the bus driver. Lucky for her, Shelby is busy fussing with her friend about last nights homework. Shelby and Mary are the type of girls who stir up trouble just to be noticed. They want attention and are willing to do anything to get it. Last week, Shelby "accidentally" spilled water on Janice which almost made her blow a gasket.

    Slipping in her earphones, Janice begins to daydream but it's only a second later that she is interrupted by high pitched laughter coming from the back of the bus. Janice turns down her music to listen in.

    "Do you see what she's wearing?" Janice flinches. She has a feeling she knows who they are talking about.

    "You mean her black tank and UGG knockoffs?" comes the reply, in rehearsal form.

    Janice looks into the big mirror hanging in the front of the bus and sees evil twins Grace and Joy Hevens. Grace smirks and stares Janice in the eye until Janice starts to blush. She turns away and looks outside. 

    The bus stops beside the Winger woods, named after it's founder. Standing out in the cold is Jacob Austins, Janice's number one crush. Jacob is well known as being Judy R High's hottest and best playing football player.

   Jacob hops on and slips into the seat across from Janice, the seat he always sits in with his best friend who happens to have skipped this Friday. It seems that every year, Jacob's best friend, Dave, skips the last day before Christmas break which turns out to be today. Unfortunately for Jacob, there is no one near him that he usually chats with. He catches Janice glancing at him, smiles and says hello.

    Mr. Chase, the bus driver, comes to a sudden halt. She whips her head around and sees Sarah Gerbsky chasing the bus. Sarah is either in school or not; she's always skipping school. People say she's the baddest kid in Judy R High.  Janice wouldn't know whether or not that's true but she does know that Sarah once tried to commit suicide. She was informed about that matter from her cousin who graduate Judy R High last year.

    "Sorry I was late, Chase." Sarah rhymes her way onto the school bus. She glares at Janice as she makes her way past her. She also doesn't like Janice very much.

    There's a sudden pop and Mr. Chase falls out of his seat. Bus 61 swerves viciously to the side but a random person dressed all in black jumps onto the school bus and grabs the wheel, keeping it from running off the road. Two other people, all dressed in black, hop onto the school bus a second after.

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