Thank You

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Oh my gosh!!!!!! I actually finished this book!!!!


Oh man, I really want to thank all of you awesome people who have stayed with this book! The update schedule was probably the worst thing I've ever seen, but I actually finished it!!!! I'm so happy!!!

So, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

You guys are the reason I finished this book. Y'all left me such nice and encouraging comments that I eventually was able to get my act together and finish this thing! And I'm so, so glad!!!

My readers have been more than amazing, and I'm so happy to have finished this book for you guys!

So what'd you think of the ending???

It was really bittersweet for me cause I'm gonna miss this story a lot and I'm sad that it's over!!! But I'm so happy to have it finally completed!!! And, spoiler alert: Prowl made it back to his time!!

Anyways, Happy New Year, everyone!! I hope you all have a joy-filled year with lots of happiness for you!!! Seriously though. We all deserve it after 2020...

I'm glad I'm starting this year off on a good note, so I hope it will continue to be good.

God bless all of you!!!! <3

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