Sorry! I didn't Know...

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Prowl walked around the base. Another day had passed and he managed to survive the loudness of the base. He had gotten his own room, though it didn't have the tree growing through the roof which he missed, but it was nice.

He spent more time there then he probably should have, but it was quiet, well... quieter than outside of it. He still couldn't meditate there though. The walls were thin and whenever Miko practiced on her guitar, it shook the room.

Prowl sighed and watched the occupants of the base living out their daily lives. Ratchet was still working on repairing the groundbridge. Arcee and Bulkhead had just gotten back from buying the materials Ratchet needed in his repairs and Bumblebee helped Raf with his homework. Miko was still trying to convince Bulkhead to go "dune bashing" with her, whatever that meant...

Prowl moved from his place partially behind a wall. No one seemed to notice him much when he observed them. He was quiet and out of the way and tried his best not to bother the Autobots since he still couldn't help them during his recovery.

Prowl suddenly looked down when he was thrown from his thoughts when he heard a voice.

"Hey. Uh, Optimus asked me if I wanted to give you a tour around the base... Miko usually does it but, she's still sore at you for breaking her speaker," Jack said looking up at Prowl.

"Oh... um, well I suppose it would be good to know my way around," Prowl replied.

Jack nodded. "Cool! So uh, follow me," He said and walked around the main room first, naming off the different things then he moved on to the hallways and other areas of the bunker.

Prowl listened to every word that Jack said and took note of the location of everything in the base. 


A little later on that day...

Prowl sat in his meditating position on the edge of a cliff overlooking the vast Nevadan(?) desert.

He had remembered about the door to the roof of the base-mountain Jack had shown him. Prowl enjoyed finally being outdoors again and found the desert quite "fascinating."  He sat atop the mountain and lightly closed his eyes, emptying his processor.

There was a rather large stack of neatly piled rocks next to where he sat. Prowl had wondered about it and assumed that it couldn't have been naturally formed but didn't think much of it.

He smiled slightly, loving the cool breeze that blew over the mountain. There were no sounds up there. Just... complete... silence...

Prowl heard pedsteps coming up behind him. They were light and he figured they belonged to Acree. They ended abruptly as soon as she saw him.

Arcee gasped slightly, seeing the invader on the mountain.
"What do you think you're doing here?!?!" She barked, scaring the spark out of Prowl who jumped up and turned sharply to face the enraged Arcee.

"I... I was just-"

Arcee glared at him and walked forward in a way that he knew to move aside. She looked at the pile of rocks then scowled at Prowl.
"You were WHAT?!" she snapped again.

"I was meditating... I needed a quiet place to be, so I came up here. I didn't think anyone else came here," he said.

"Well neither did I..." Arcee said darkly. Her glare was still directed at Prowl who decided that leaving would be best.

"I'm sorry I came here... I didn't mean to upset you..." he said and walked back inside the base.

Arcee huffed and looked at the pile of rocks. She lay a gentle hand on it and shut her eyes tightly.

Prowl quickly made his way inside the base. He hadn't seen Arcee that mad... ever. He walked down the hall and through the main room where Ratchet cut him off.

"There you are! I've been trying to find you for the past 15 minuets!" Ratchet snapped.

Prowl stared at him. "My apologies for your inconvenience... may I ask why you were looking for me?" he said.

"I need to examine you to make sure you are recovering properly," Ratchet said dragging him by the arm to the med-berth.

Prowl sat down. "I see..." he said and watched Ratchet get his tools and various different gadgets.

Ratchet came and scanned Prowl's leg then his helm and side. "Hmm..." he mumbled going about his check up.

Prowl watched him thinking of the Ratchet he knew. Of course, Sarri would have used her key to repair him but still he could see similarities between this Ratchet and the Ratchet he knew.

"Well, it seems you are recovering. Just still, take things slowly. I would advise that you refrain from anything strenuous until you've healed fully," Ratchet told him.

Prowl nodded and left.


The next morning, Prowl left his secluded room to refuel when he saw Acree waiting in the hall.

He froze, wondering if she'd come to yell at him some more. He couldn't think of why she had been so mad at him for being where he was. Well, he would have been a little upset to find some stranger in say the tree in his room back home but-

Prowl's thoughts were interrupted when Arcee saw him and walked up to him. Prowl tensed up, not that he was afraid of her or anything...

"Look," she started sharply then soften her tone, "I'm sorry. I know you're new here and didn't know any better..."

"It's quite alright..." Prowl said.

"The pile of stones... I'm not sure if you noticed it or not but..." Arcee paused then continued, "there were six of us when we first came here... those stones mark my partner's grave. He was k-killed a little over a year ago..." Arcee said.

Prowl looked down. "I'm sorry. I didn't know..." he said solemnly.

Arcee sighed softly. "It's okay... I'm just... s-sorry for yelling at you earlier," she added quickly and left.

Prowl stayed were he was thinking it all over. Sure he knew what it was like to lose someone he cared about but, still, he couldn't imagine losing one of his teammates... no matter how much they annoyed him.

(Alright!! I finally managed to get a decent sized chapter out!! Yay!

Well... hope you enjoyed it!!!
Thanks for reading!)

Transformers Prime/Animated Crossover Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt