You're Gonna Be Ok

196 7 105

Hold, hold on, hold onto me
'Cause I'm a little unsteady
A little unsteady
Hold, hold on, hold onto me
'Cause I'm a little unsteady
A little unsteady


George stormed upstairs. I decided to leave him be, he needs space. What do I need to do to get him to understand I'm in love with him? I've never been in love with someone like this before, he means the world to me-

I heard a thump come from upstairs. No. He wouldn't. Would he?

I tried to open the bathroom door, but it was locked. I started sobbing, tears streaming down my face and hitting the floor. No, he didn't do that. I was so scared, I've never been more terrified in my life. I had to burst the door down. I kicked the door in and saw George on the floor.

He was sitting with his head flopped to the side. I went to check his pulse, only to see that his arms were cut up. I bit my lip. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. I sobbed even harder. He still had a pulse. Good, he still is somewhat alive. 

I sprinted downstairs to call 911.

"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?"

"M-My boyfriend is o-on the bathroom f-floor, a-and i-"

"Okay, sir, please take a few deep breaths. What's the address?"

I calmed down a bit and told her the address.

"And, do you know exactly what happened?"

"N-No, he's been anorexic and saying suicidal stuff, but I-I tried t-to help him, b-but I wasn't enough b-because he's now o-on the bathroom floor and-"

"Sweetie, It'll all be ok. Listen to me, ok? Check his pulse, and make sure he's still breathing. if he's not, lie him down on his back and start doing CPR, Ill guide you through it. Help is on the way."

I agreed to do so, and I went to the bathroom. 

"Now grab is wrist, and put two fingers on the underside of his wrist. Is there a pulse?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Ok, and now put your head close to his chest, is he breathing?"


"Ok, now very gently lie him down on his back, and make sure you keep him warm."

"O-Ok. Will h-he be ok?"

"We'll take good care of him honey. Do you know if he took any medication?"

"I-I dunno, there w-wasn't any out, and h-he doesn't l-look like he's o-on anything."

"Ok, now I have some questions. Its ok if you don't know them, just try and answer, ok? Age?"



"George Henry Davidson."


"I-I dunno, he h-has a dad, n-no one knows w-where he is, his m-mom passed a w-week ago, and he h-has a sister living i-in America. Not sure where."

"Ok. Now just stay with him, ok? Help will be there shortly."

"O-ok, thank you- s-so much-"

I started sobbing again. The lady on the phone tried to reassure me that everything was gonna be ok, and I appreciated her effort, but I was still terrified. 

About five minutes later, an ambulance came, and I hung up with the lady on the phone. They took him into the ambulance. 

"P-Please, can I-I come w-with him?"

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