Part 14

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As both sit in the restaurant they were seeing a cute couple outside the street who without any care of the public showing their love to each other. Both seems like a high school students , the boy being protective towards her girlfriend, seeing their cute antic , unknowingly brings a smile to Priya's face . Ram was also watching it from the corner of his eyes  and also enjoying the site in-front of him those smiles ufff ...... it was the kind of smile which brings peace to his lost soul & he had only see her smile this much for the first time . His thoughts were disturbed when their order comes & both eat quickly , Priya was in her own thought she was just recalling how those young couples were too cute to be true she can imagine those only in dreams or dramas but man it just happen ...

After clearing the bills Priya & Ram decided to walk a bit the beautiful street were cherry blossoms were blooming in both sites of the and give a beautiful view, Ram initiated a talk to not so feel awkward between them actually he wants her to behave normally with him as he knows she keeps a line between them and always conscious of what she says as she is not the carefree Priya but a sensible one & serious at her work which she portray infront of him .
Ram : enjoying the walk
Priya: yes Mr Kapoor , the view is so beautiful
Ram : yeah that is , do you like cherry blossom
Priya : yes a lot
Ram muttering can see in your eyes
Priya : yes nothing
Ram : BTW Priya I heard that you like Korea a lot
Priya: hmm I do , even though this is my first visit I can identify most of the places
Ram : really , that's amazing ..... and I think we should visit our next destination before the evening
Priya : okay but Mr Kapoor, can I request something
Ram : go ahead why are you requesting I'm your friend na
Priya : can we pls go to the Everland in the evening & have street foods if you don't mind (she says hesitantly)
Ram was just speechless at her request, seeing his reaction she says
Priya : It's okay Mr Kapoor if you don't want to I'll go alone as I have off , if I'm right
Ram : we must go (he says calmly controlling his chuckled)
Priya : what
Ram : I say we should go , we can explore more here and why do you think I'll reject this fun hah comon Priya I'm not that bad

Hearing him she was just mum , she was both surprised & a bit angry , surprised because he wants to have fun cause she has never seen this workaholic men having fun & angry because how can he say he's not bad cause she can't forget how he make her work & taunt her.


Than they visited the Seoul Museum of Arts ,

The art museum focuses on Korean art and Korean artists but has a decent selection of international works and creators. Changing temporary and visiting exhibitions also showcase unique collections and artwork.

The collection is displayed over three floors in a large building that was formerly the home of the Korean Supreme Court. The museum has two additional satellite locations in other parts of Seoul, and these feature rotating exhibits from the museum's main collection, as well as special exhibitions.

They are looking at the beautiful works of the artist with a guide who explain each & every detailed about everything. After completing the tour it was 2hrs done and they were ready to roll to Everland  , Priya was overly excited.

The clock structs 5 when they reach the place and due to their luck there's going to a fireworks at 6.30

While entering the place Priya just wants to run around but controlling herself to behave as she was with her friend cum boss , she felt out of the world coming to her favourite destination .

Both first goes to the arcade area to play games than ride the  T - express and many others which takes breathe away in those rides but one thing which kept Ram sane while those dangerous ride is Priya holding his hand the entire time , this was the first time someone hold his hand and it feels somehow good .
Coming back from there Priya didn't even feel a slight nuisance and happily walks towards the claw machine to play , she was aiming at a particular soft toy but fail always .
Ram calls Priya (looking at the phone ): Priya it's going to be time let's go to see the fireworks
Priya heart heartily say yes and comes to him ,  both goes to the area were sitting are available and as soon as they reach it started .... what a sight
Beautiful she utters looking at the sky keeping her hand on the railing  Priya was clicking some pictures of it
Ram was on her side , was also enjoying the view and he without her notice clicks some beautiful pics of her
A smiles adores his face watching her behave like a kid .
Hope you like it , this much for today

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