Part 17

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Here's the second update of today !!!!

With the picture of Priya near her heart he remembers how he first show her .


In Delhi,
Ram came there to attend an important meeting with his client Mr Chopra . After completing a meeting for 3 hrs long , he with Vikram came to a restaurant to have their lunch after that Vikram got a call which was urgent so he was taking for a long time while Ram saw an NGO in front of him he goes there to check out , he was person who don't show off about the works he do , he had his own trust in the name of her mother but the public does not know about this and also how 30% of KI goes to charity . Inside the NGO he was taking with the order of the works they take up for the welfare of the children's there . He roam around the NGO to see the surroundings and there he hears the laughters of the childrens while surrounding someone , a lady as they scream di... di....
as he walks through he was in awe with the view in front of him , he can lost himself in those beautiful doe eyes, her hair on one side of the shoulder dress in a white kurti looking elegant and beautiful. The unknown lady just wins his heart at the first sight, he unknown to the lady takes a picture of her but while he wanted to talk with her he got a called from Vikram asking where he is as they need to fly back now due to some issues in the offices . So he came back ... It's been a week but he's mind was still occupied by the unknown lady , this is the first time a lady is affecting him that too without any effort not like the ones who tries to get close to him for his status and money . Looking at the picture a smile always creeps on his face , not thinking too much he called a man into his office and show the picture to find information about the lady . The man was a bit surprised seeing The Ram Kapoor asking to find information about a girl first time in his career as he always finds information about his clients & competitors . And Ram also told him to be a top secret not even letting Vikram to know about it which is kind of odd . But he was keen to know about her as he can't concentrate on his work nor sleep there was an unknown urge inside him .

Coming after 4 hrs after the office was closed the man gave an envelope  to Ram and left  . As he open the envelope and read it ,  so  Priya Shram it is and smiles . After reading his information he used to stalk her unknown to everyone yes Ram Kapoor stalking a girl which is ironic..... when she is with her friends and sometimes he used to frown when she met with her guy friends and cursing them .
This continues when Priya used to work on other firms and later he came to know that she is working in one of his branch which leds to what it is now .
Flashback ends


Next morning

Completing their  morning rituals , both came for breakfast today Ram was waiting for Priya as she's late . Priya came a little while later
Priya : Good Morning Mr Kapoor
Ram looking up from his phone: Good Morning Priya
Both exchange smiles
Ordering their orders Ram initiate the talks regarding their works and they chit chat for while but this behaviour even confuse the already confused mind of Priya after what happens yesterday ....thinking about that their order came and ate silently , paying the bills they came out for a small walk .
As Ram observed her , she was in her own world , he says , " Priya I apologise for my behaviour yesterday , I would have been more understanding while handling that idiot even though I know you are not comfortable with that idiot . This was out of the blue for Priya as the man standing infront had just say sorry no apologies but she feels happy seeing his level of understanding her , Priya says , Idiot?
Ram : from what I just say you only listen this ??
Priya : nahi... it's just surprising for me to hear Mr Kapoor calling his client's son idiot.
Ram : so what's surprising to called that spoiled brat an idiots (and shrugged off)
Priya : haww but it's okay Mr Kapoor I'm good , even I should have tried to ignore him politely.
Ram : how can you ignored those people when you are looking so beautiful any man would like to flirt with you (teases)
Priya blushes : aesha kuch nahi hain Mr Kapoor
As the mood lightens a bit for Priya
Ram : Priya today we are visiting the place I told you yesterday
Priya : but Mr Kapoor can't you tell where we are going
Ram : It's a place where we will be opening a branch of Kapoor Industries here as we are now in collaboration here .
Priya : okay than when we will be leaving
Ram : some time later we can go change now
Priya : okay than I'll change and come Mr Kapoor
And she goes inside the inside the hotel while Ram just look at the retreating figure

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