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~Y/N's POV~
I would leave Haruko to Saeko-Nii when I have a shift or school stuff.

It's been a month and my little sickness worsened,I promised I would take therapy but I just couldn't.

"Haruko! I'm back!" I said and I saw his H/C hair popped out of the backyard and he ran up to me "Nii-San!" He said as he jumped and tackled me into a hug "How was your day?" I asked him and I sat on the floor and he was on my lap "It was great!Me and Saeko-Nii went to the park and I played outside!" He said and I just giggled.

"Where's my hugs?" I heard Noya mutter from behind me and Haru quickly got up and jumped on him "Rolling Thunder!" They both said while they spun around and all of us laughed at them "Both of you are so energetic..." I said as I sighed out and took Haru from his embrace "Hey!Give me back my Rolling Thunder!" Yuu said and I stuck out my tongue at him and he got all pouty "Stop Pouting,We'll get Gari-Garikun later...." I said while patting his cheek and walking away.

"Thanks Saeko-Nii!" I said and she patted my head "Anytime Y/N-Chan..." she said and Tanaka suddenly popped out behind me and took Haruko "Oi!Give him back Ryu!" I said "But I haven't spent time with the little dude yet!" He said "So that's why you kept him in the backyard when you got home? I just got off work a few minutes ago,give him Ryunoske." I said and he gave him back and I smiled at them before me,Haruko and Noya left their house and walked to the shop.

We got our ice cream and Yuu walked us home.

'How do I tell him...' I said as I look at his figure disappear in the distance,I sighed and walked in the house,I got Haruko ready for bed and put him asleep in his room while I stayed on my balcony,My phone ringed and it was Dr.Haru.

"L/N! I have amazing news!" He said excitedly
"What is it?" I asked him
"Your turning 18 the day after tomorrow right?"
"The Medical Higher ups agreed to let you have your license early!"
At this point my jaw was on the garden under my balcony
"Yeah!And you won't need to take the exam since you already have field experience and they heard what you did!"
"Oh my gosh...."
I was in shock and tears of joy came out
"Thank You! Oh my God!" I said and Dr.Haru reminded me of my medication and said goodbye.

'This is unbelievable....'

I went to the gym the next day after my shift and met up with Kiyoko-San and Yachi I told them and they literally gave me a bone crushing hug.

"We are so proud of you!" Kiyoko-San said
"I can't believe this..." I muttered
"Well believe it Y/N-San!" Yachi said and we all giggled,we entered the gym.I decided that I would be their manager for certain reasons and they all understood and respected the fact that I didn't tell them the reason.

•<•>•<•>•<•B-Day Timeskip>•<•>•<•

I went to school after I received my license from the hospital but my dumb self forgot that it was my birthday.

I walked in the gym and confetti and balloons suddenly fell on me.

"Huh?" I asked confused
"Happy Birthday!" Everyone said
"Wait...It's my birthday?" I thought out loud and checked my phone and it certainly was....
"You forgot your own birthday?" Suga-San asked and I chuckled nervously "I guess I got excited about getting my License?" I said as tears fell from my eyes "Y-Y/N! Don't cry!" Asahi-San said and I just smiled at them while I wiped away my tears "Thank you guys...." I said and everyone smiled at me,even Saltyshima smirked and Kageyama lessened his scary smile.....

After celebrating and cleaning up,Noya wanted to sleepover so I let him,he got some clothes from his house and went back to mine.Haruko went to bed and me and Yuu decided to watch a movie in my room.
We watched Your Name.

(Author-Chan watched it and got emotional for no reason....)

After the movie,I turned off the TV and laid in my bed with Yuu.

"This was the best birthday Yuu..." I said as I cuddled in his arms "You deserve all of it Mine...." he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead "Yuu?" I said and he hummed in response "I'm going to start therapy tomorrow...." I said and looked down"Therapy for what?" He asked "Its for me to stop coughing out blood every time I'm late on medication...." I explained and he remained quiet,his silence made me a little anxious and I started to cry quietly "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier...." I manage to say and he sat up with me in his arms,We sat on the bed with me on his lap.

He caressed my face before he lifted my head up and I made eye contact with his soft brown eyes "It's alright...don't cry...I'm not angry or anything...." he said as he wiped away my tears and smiled at me before planting a kiss on my forehead,he intertwined his finger with mine while his other hand was playing with my hair "I still love you no matter what...." he whispered in my ear and he softly kissed my lips "How did I get so lucky with you?" I asked him while I looked out the exposed part of the glass balcony door,it showed the moon "I'm the lucky one here...." he said,it was silent for a few seconds before he said "Let's wipe that frown off your face!" He suddenly laid me on the bed and started tickling me.

I laughed and then he attacked me with butterfly  kisses all around my face,neck and collarbone and the night ended with me resting in his warm embrace with a light heart and soft smile.

We drifted asleep in each other's arms as the room was dimly lit up with the moonlight as it came through the glass balcony door where the curtains parted.

Word Count:1082

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