First Day at University in Physics-Mathematics 1896

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Inspired by the scene when Albert Einstein and Mileva first meet in the tv series (season 1) "Genius".

Your POV:
My first day at Polytechnic Institute of Zurich, as normal I was quite nervous and didn't know what to expect. I have always been interested in how gravity pulls and what not. I was at admitted in the section of physics-mathematics.
I pull up my hair and put on my formal university attire. I walk in after getting stared at by a group of gentlemen. I felt even more nervous. I clutch onto my books and sit down and wait for class to begin. In comes a dark-haired gentleman, his hair was curly and somewhat untamed. A mustache stood above his upper mouth. He apologized as he thought he was in the wrong class. I look up and ask what class he is looking for, he tells me physics-mathematics and walks out. I stop him from my seat as I tell him this is physics-mathematics.

In comes the professor. He introduces me then continues to Albert,  "the only person to score higher than you on your entrance exam. I look at Herr Einstein boldly and walk back to my seat.

I have been enjoying university. Soon will be our mid season exam and I am determined to pass. It would make my father proud, I will not be considered a "housewife".

Class ends for the day I put on my coat and hat and gloves. I walk down the stairs as a horse carriage rides by. I hear "(Y/N)". I turn it was Albert. What possibly could he have to say? I think as he runs closer to me. He asks me if I'd like coffee. I politely decline as I must get home to study for the exam.

He wouldn't accept that I had to get going I was going to a family dinner. I need plenty of time to study! Herr Einstein's friends catch up to him and I wave goodbye.
The next morning, I couldn't stop thinking about Albert. Was I in love?
Another day bright and early at Polytechnic Institute of Zurich.
I walk in to see Albert sitting before me. I was early too! I figured we could talk for a quick moment. He asked if he could use my book for his study notes. I agreed if he'd return it to me by tomorrow morning. He said he'd return to me early tonight. I knew he was always one of the first people done their school exams other than me. It made sense that's he get the study notes down before tomorrow morning. I had some free time so I went to the university book library to browse for books about space and time.

I am reading into page 120 and kind of spacing out. "(Y/N)"...*2 x's* I hear. Albert was already through with using my textbook for his study notes. I thanked him for giving my book back. He sat next to me to ask what I was reading. I told Albert I was literally spacing out reading about space and time. We laughed and before I knew it we were having a great conversation about the speed of light and how it'd look if we rode on one.

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