My Early Years of School

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School believe it or not hasn't been peaches and cream for me. I admit I disliked how you were meant to memorize things rather than use ideas.

Success depended on memorizing. My real studies were done outside of school. With books on mathematics and physics.

You would occupy your time at school with classes you weren't interested in. Long before university, one of my teachers expressed a wish that I would leave the school because my mere presence spoiled the respect of the class.

I'd ask teachers questions that they didn't know the answer to and that was "insulting" them and the class. I find that asking questions that others wouldn't even begin to think of rather than just knowing useless things.

Under what reason I thought? What was I kicked out of the classroom for simply asking a question? Not quite the atmosphere of learning I wanted to be present in at that very moment.

I eventually left. I am just passionately curious. Not a genius!

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