Part 16. Recalling Memories

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In Undertale, Y/n's AU

Narrator's POV

Ink made a portal that went Directly to Undertale and everyone went through it

Y/n: We're finally here

The portal led you into Final Corridor hall, which was still a mess

You look around to see if there were any signs of Player still here, but there wasn't so you knew the coast was clear

Y/n: Coast is clear

Everyone came out from where they were hiding 

Chara: Looks like Player left when we left

Y/n: So it seems

Blake: So what are we supposed to do now?

Y/n: Well there is one thing I want to get before we continue with this plan

Ink: Alright, You go do your thing, I'll guide RWBY to the core

Y/n: Ok, thanks Ink

Ink: No problem, now let's go

RWBY followed Ink along with Meliodas, while you stayed in Final Corridor with Papyrus, Chara, 

Papyrus: What are you going to get?

Y/n: Well if we're going to destroy this place I want to get "that"

Chara: I see, should we come along?

Y/n: No it's fine, besides I'd rather be alone for now

Chara: Alright

Y/n: There is something I would like you guys to get though

Papyrus: Oh? And what is that?

Y/n: I need you guys to get----------------------from the true lab

Papyrus: What? Why would you need those?

Y/n: It's just something I'm trying to do, like a side quest

Chara: I mean, I guess we can get it for you

Y/n: Good, now let's go

Papyrus and Chara: Yeah

They all then teleport

You teleport to the Entrance of Snowdin, as always it was snowy was so quiet

Usually there would be people talking and kids playing in the snow

You start to walk around and Remember all of the places in Snowdin, you passed the Inn where they sold items, such as cinnabuns, you pass the Library labeled as Librarby, looking at the Librarby sign made you chuckle at the Mispronounced name

You then pass through Grillby's, You remember going to Grillby's Everyday and telling your jokes to everyone present at the Restaurant

All the laughs, the People, it all hit you hard, you didn't even notice when tears started to stain your face

And then you finally made it to your house

Y/n:'s been a while.....hasn't it?

You turn the doorknob and the door opened making Creaking sounds

(Right Now we are taking about UT Papyrus)

Inside was really dark and messy, Papyrus would kill you if he saw this mess

You flick on the light switch and to your surprise the lights turned on

Y/n: So it still has power? Neat

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