Part 9. So what's the plan?

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Narrator's POV

Weiss: So what will our plan even be?

Ink: This is how this is going to work

He gets some paper and some pencils and starts drawing out his plan

Ink: I have no idea where the Trio are right now but I know if we cause some Ruckus then they'll be sure to track us down

Ruby: But what about the people that are still here in Vale?

Ink: We'd have to evacuate them beforehand

Yang: And how will we cause all the commotion?

Ink: That's were Ruby comes in

Ruby: ME?!?!?!

Ink: Yes, you'll start Making really loud noise and once that happens The Trio will come to your location


They all turn to look at Yang

Ink: What?

Yang: I'm not going to let you risk my sister's life like that

Ruby: Yang I'll be fine

Yang: You never know what can happen

Ink: Then who do you suggest?

Meliodas: I'll do it

They all then turn to look at Meliodas

Ink: Are you sure Meliodas?

Blake: Can you cause some loud noise?

Meliodas: I can't cause it without destroying something but I have another plan in mind

Ink: Alright then, Meliodas will cause Draw the attention of The Trio and that's when I'll split them up

Blake: How will you split them up?

Yang: You're going to use your ink right?

Ink nodded

Ink: After I've split them up I'll send them to your locations

Weiss: And where will we be

Ink: Well you'll all be in another AU

RWBY: WHAT?!?!?!?

Ink: If we did it somewhere in this Universe then there's a Chance Player will find out and will try to stop you

Blake: I see

Ink: I'll send Chara to Ruby, Papyrus to Yang, and Y/n to Blake, Weiss you'll be Ruby to protect her in case anything happens, and I'll be with Yang to protect her just in case Player figures us out

Weiss: Ok

Ink: Alright, Chara will be the first one to get out

Blake: Why Chara?

Ink: It seems Chara can be freed more easily than the other two

Yang: How so?

Ink: Well Chara can control hate but if the hate gets too powerful for Chara it will still overtake them, but since Ruby was almost able to break free from the Hate last time then we should have a high chance if escaping with Chara

Meliodas: What about Papyrus and Y/n?

Ink: I believe if We get Chara back then we can have an easier time Getting Papyrus back, but Y/n........he's going to be much harder to get back

Blake: Wait Why?

Ink: From what you all have told me it seems you all don't have to greatest connection with Y/n

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