Chapter 19

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After school the following day, Stone and Saint dropped me off at Fala and Mika's house. The dance was in a few weeks and Phoenix had declared that if this was my first dance, they would make it perfect. Phoenix, Luck and Legend stayed behind at the house, secretly making plans.

Fala met me on the front steps to her home, "Hi, Wren! Are you ready to try on dresses?"

I smiled up at her, "I don't know, I've never really had a fancy dress before. At my old school I just wore jeans or leggings. I do have the skirt from my school uniform."

"You're going to have so much fun. Mika's room looks like a tornado went through it. So hopefully we'll be able to find her," Fala laughed. "My mom made dinner for after, she told me to tell you boys that you were welcome to eat with us too."

Saint nodded, "That sounds great. We're going to drop Wren off for now, but we'll be back for dinner and to pick her up."

I glanced up at Saint. "Where are you going?"

"Just some errands, we'll be back as soon as we can. Don't worry, have fun with Fala and Mika. You'll be safe here."

Saint took me in his arms and hugged me tightly. I didn't see Fala go back into the house, but I heard her footsteps and the door close behind her. I could feel Saint bury his nose in my hair and take in a long breath, like he was trying to memorize my smell.

Stone came up behind me and pulled me around slowly to face him. Saint lingered behind me, still in my personal space. Stone's breath brushed against my forehead as he spoke, "Don't leave the Chief's house while we are gone, okay?"

"It's not like I have a car or a license to get anywhere and the walk is very far," I told him.

Stone laughed and I could feel the vibrations against my cheek as he held me to his chest. Stone's fingertips came under my chin and guided my face up until I was looking into his eyes, something that was difficult for me. Before I could guess what would happen next, Stone's lips descended directly onto mine. My eyes fluttered shut and I stood as still as a statue as Stone brushed his lips over mine as lightly as dandelion seeds blowing in the wind. Saint pulled my hair back and his lips gently brushed my neck where it met my shoulder. The sensations were making me dizzy but before I had time to process what was happening, both boys were pulling away and nudging me up the steps.

I stood at the top of the steps and watched them drive away, my whole-body yearning to go with them. I had never felt this way for anyone. I loved being around Anne, but my body didn't ache when we were apart. Fala and Mika were fun to talk to, but I didn't yearn to see their faces, smell their clothes, or hear their voices.

I stood there until I could no longer see their SUV and Fala came out of the house. "You ready?"

"Of course," my voice shook but I followed her up the stairs to Mika's room.

"Oh, good you're here!" Mika called from somewhere in the room, but I couldn't see her because there were dresses hanging everywhere. I was surprised by how many clothes one person could own.

"I went through mine and Fala's dresses and took out the ones that I think would look good on you. Do you have a favorite color?" Mika emerged from her closet with dresses covering both arms. There were dresses in neon pink, black and even a zebra print dress.

"Blue? Maybe?" Mika smiled at my statement.

We picked through the dresses. The discard pile was much larger than the keep pile. The neon pink dress and zebra print dress were the first in the very large discard pile.

"It's chiffon, a pleated A-line with cap sleeves." Mika told me when I pulled a pale pink dress out from the pile. "I think it would go well with your dark hair and pale skin. It might be a bit cold though since it only goes to your knees."

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