Chapter 10

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Weverland was ridiculously small. There were no chain grocery stores, movie theaters or malls, but there were a handful of shops, a clinic/ veterinary office, a gas station with convenience store, and one restaurant combined with a bar. The town had a few women milling about but no men or children. There were a few small houses behind the shops.

We arrived at the Acorn's in one piece with no accidents or stops from the police. The trip only took about twenty minutes, but it felt like we had arrived in a whole new world.

"Most of the men and older boys are out on the water farming fish. They cook and dry the fish for the winter months," Saint explained.

"Let's go drop our stuff at the big house," Phoenix said.

When we got there, Phoenix parked the car at the bottom of the driveway and we gathered our stuff up from the back, one of the twins grabbed my bag and I carried my blanket. We walked up the path to the house and the door flew open. Mika flew out like a tornado. It scared me so bad I hid behind Stone and started shaking. Mika, without realizing the anxiety that I was feeling, hugged Phoenix, Saint and the twins. My stomach gave a tiny cringe every time she hugged them. I was jealous of the easy way she touched people and not just any people but the Lost Boys.

Stone put his arm around me and squeezed me tight. I enjoyed the feeling and leaned into him, breathing in the scent of him.

Fala, Talon and Hawk came out next. "Oh great, you guys made it! Just throw your stuff anywhere inside and we can go eat dinner. The Tribe prepared a feast for Wren."

"That's where everyone is!" Phoenix commented. "I thought they were still out fishing."

"Nah, they pulled in a very large catch and decided to end a few days earlier," Talon told Phoenix and did a handshake where they gripped each other's forearms.

"For me?" I asked as I put my bag next to the Lost Boys' bags. I looked around the pretty living room. It had dark hardwood floors and a cream-colored couch and love seat. There were flowers all over the room both fresh and dried. It felt calm and airy. A room you could relax in. There were no electronics anywhere.

Before I could ask any questions, Saint took my hand gently in his and pulled me toward the door. I tried to take in as many sights and sounds and people as I could but there was just too much and by the time I had a bowl of food, fish and rice and some cooked apples and berries, my eyes were glued to my food. We sat around picnic tables behind the Acorns' home. Saint sat on one side of me, and Stone sat on the other.

People came up and tried to talk to me, but it was just too much stimulation that I started to block things out. The only thing I could think of was the food going in my mouth and the two warm male bodies that sat next to me. The boys seeing that I close to breaking, spoke my thanks for me.

After dinner, I met Chief Acorn.

"It's nice to meet you, Wren. My daughters have told me a lot about you," the Chief was a tall man with dark skin and black hair that was flowed around his face. There were a few small braids that decorated his head but for the most part he was unadorned. He wore dark denims, work boots and a western style plaid shirt. His face was friendly and his smile genuine.

I made eye contact with the Chief, "It's nice to meet you too, sir. Fala and Mika are wonderful. Oh, and Talon and Hawk have been nice too."

"That's good to hear," Chief Acorn told me, his voice was sad though. "I have someone that would like to meet you."

Who wanted to meet me? I wasn't special.

"Who?" I asked. My hands were flapping at my sides.

Stone took one hand in his and squeezed. "You don't have to, Wren. I brought stuff for S'mores and we can go get in our sleeping bags and just relax."

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