Chapter 19 ; Reality 🏴‍☠️

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Bright POV

I slowly opened my eyes , greeted by very bright light made me wincing in pain . Ahh~my head spinning . Hurts . I closed back my eyes since opening it will only make my head aching more .

"Phi ? You awake ? I will call the doctor " I wanted to say that I am awake but my throat is too dry , there is no voice out . With my head still spinning , I cant think anything . Then someone check up on me , my heartbeat and everything . I guess its a doctor . I let them be , check anywhere you want , my head aching too much .

"He is awake now , with a slight pain in his head because the exposure of light . He is okay , no need to worry more kid . Take it slow on him , he is healing . Don't make him do a lot of movements . "

"Thankyou doctor " Then I heard the door opened , maybe the doctor is leaving . Then , a sound of clicked can be heard , the room become dim . I tried to open my eyes again , this time it not hurting because the room is dark .

First thing I see is a tall figure with swollen eyes , he must be crying again . Yes my bunny . I'm blinking since my sight is still blurry . He slowly made his way to my hand , caressing it . I don't have any energy to squeeze his hand , only my eyes can work right now . By the way how long does I rest though ? My back is aching because laying for too long .

"P'Bright jaa~ finally you are awake . You made me wait for a week , I'm here every single minutes waiting for you . I thought I'm losing you too . "

I can hear Win's voice cracked and hoarse , the effects of crying too much . I want to hug my bunny badly , I'm already in pain and seeing him crying double pain . Do you want to know how double pain feel ? If a pain , I feel my heart teared into two parts but double pain ,my heart are shredded into pieces . Lol Bright you are talking like your heart is a piece of paper , if it shredded into pieces than your heart will not beating you stupid .

"Do you know phi that I keep talking to you eventhough you wont give me any response . I told you how my day went , there is nothing much happened though . I don't go to classes , just shower and come here . I lost appetite when you are not awake eating with me so I would rather fasting than eat while imagining you with me . "

Man , my bunny crying again . His tears wetting my hand , his eyes looking deeply into me . It written all there , pain . I noticed then he said he lost appetite , that explained why he looks thinner . Wait for me completely healing , I will feeding you all times . I'm not that fond to see my bunny lost weight . I tried to let my voice out to stop him from cry , my throat hurting soooooo much . auch .


He give me question look , I tried collect all energy left to shook my head . Fuck I feel hopeless , useless, all the less less . But I think he got me when he started to calm down .

"Phi , please rest na krub . I--i just need some fresh air outside , lets talk when you can talk . It hurts me when I talk to you but what you can do only blinking . Usually you will patting my hair and give me forehead kisses but not now .I'm just upset cause you cant do anything right now . After all , I only have you . It's okay phi. Rest . "

He slowly loose gripped on my hand little by little , then he went out . I cant cry , but I'm sure inside me was dying . The look of disappointed he gave me , I'm sorry bunny . I cant do anything . I understand him , he needs someone--no he needs me but I cant made it . I'm so sorry ..

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