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new update? Yea😏😏😏

anyways enjoy ❤️


Over a couple of weeks, word spread fast about them sleeping together, but Olivia ignored it. Mattheo would not attend any of the classes since he got suspended for breaking the boy's nose and taking his anger out of him

Olivia didn't eat that much anymore, she starved herself. Every time she looked at her body she thought of not being enough for Mattheo to stay

Draco and Tom were worried about both of them, Draco would spend his nights listening to Olivia sob under her pillow while he didn't know what to do. He wanted to destroy Mattheo for what he did to his sister, but there was no sign of Theo anywhere

Tom lost contact with Theo as well, after he got suspended he never was around. Dark Lord himself was writing letters to his son which made Tom look after Mattheo as an emergency


"Olivia you gotta eat something" Tom peeked at Olivia, she had some swollen eyes and messed up mascara, including she was wearing Mattheo's quidditch hoodie with some pants

"I'm not hungry" she muttered walking out of the table, going back to her room but then some girl interrupted her, "Olivia, Dumbledore wants you to meet at his office," she said and Olivia just nodded walking up to his office

Okay my first time trying to write a chapter from someone's POV not 3rd persons, lmk if it's bad 🥲

Olivia pov:
I made my way to his office and I felt sick to my stomach, I would throw up every single day in the mornings, and lost my appetite, I started hating my favorite food and craved random things.

As I walked into his office  I saw him. He looked worse than I did, he looked like he hasn't slept in days, his hands were bruised and covered in dry blood. My poor Theo looked even skinnier than he used to, I wanted to puke again for some reason

-"Mrs. Malfoy please take a sit, I thought it would be important to get both of these families to read this letter" professor Dumbledore acknowledged while handing it over to Mattheo

I and Mattheo glimpsed at each other giving a weak smile through the pain I was holding on to

Dear Olivia and Mattheo,
I'm sorry to tell you this news so late but tomorrow you will need to be at Malfoy manor for Olivias and Mattheos engagement party in a couple of weeks. I and Lucius heard a bunch of rumors of them together so we thought it was would great if we switched Tom to Mattheo since they are getting along very well. I'm sorry so sorry to let you this way but Mattheo and Olivia will be getting married in 5 weeks because of Dark Lord's orders after her birthday.
take care I'll see you guys tomorrow
love your mom n.m

As I saw the letter I felt sick to my stomach more, "I need fresh air" I said while running out of the room panicking. I felt a hand grab mine and I turned around

I was so mad at him for leaving me and so miserable for the first time, but this moment I needed him the most. As I looked at his sore eyes from crying, I wrapped my arms around his torso and not letting him go

He tugged my hair behind my ear, "Olivia I'm sorry for not being there for you, and now this, I don't know how you are feeling. I'm sorry for how I acted and I regret every decision" he said softly while hugging me tighter

I wanted to cry so bad, and curse out his whole family tree out but I couldn't bring up any words to say, I just gently let him go and mouthed "okay"

"How are we going to work this out then," he said, "I don't know Theo, I don't know, I think I need to lay down before I throw up my guts out" I smiled at him

As we made our way to the common room, I saw the most annoying bitch again, she was sitting on a bench right next to a Slytherin common room waiting for Mattheo to show up, every single day since he was missing

"Oh my Mattheo you are back, I was sick worried about you" Daphne ran up to him hugging him tightly, "and why is she here" she glanced at me disgusted

"it's my common room bitch, go read a book or sum get the hell out," I told her angrily smiling at her, "aren't Ravenclaws supposed to do work, not run after guys that are about to get engaged" I blurted out embarrassed

"Mattheo is not engaged, if you are just jealous you can tell me" she eyed back at me, while Mattheo stood between us, "please why would I be jealous of you when both of the brothers are  trying to fuck me since the beginning of the year" I smirked looking back at Mattheo, "I'm going to find Tom" I glanced back at them leaving them alone

3rd person pov:

Slytherin common room was lonely and no one was around, she looked around just to notice Tom on a couch reading again, she made her way to him, looking around to see what he was doing

He looked up at her, putting his book on his lap just smiling at her as a sign to come to sit down next to him,  they sat in silence looking at each other, as she just admired him sitting, "Mattheo is back" Olivia said quietly, "where is he" he replied with, "fucking Daphne" Olivia laughed putting her hand on his shoulder

"Not surprised, she talks about him whenever she can, pretty annoying really" Tom smiled back putting his book away, little shivers shot through Olivia as both of them made eye contact, he leaned in close enough, for both of them to hear their breathing

A small gap was separating their mouths as they just stood like that, next thing she knew he was kissing her, and she stopped breathing

He kissed her gently and softly, the rush of many emotions crawled across Olivia's body as she kissed back, this time it was more hungrily, she wrapped her hands around his neck, and stepping away a little to breathe, as he just burst out laughing

"We need to stop kissing, it's wrong for Mattheo" he looked at her smiling, "he doesn't care about me, it doesn't matter" she smiled back, "oh ya?" a small smirk escaped his lips, "hell ya" she leaned in whispering into his ear

the rest of the day they spent hanging out and just talking.

okay I love Tom, and he deserves a happy ending idc 🏃🏽‍♂️🏃🏽‍♂️🏃🏽‍♂️

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