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As she made her way to the Slytherin table, Olivia saw a new face. She has never seen that boy before, he looked so attractive with his brown kind of curly hair, and his cute smile, she froze not knowing how to describe him, but she just knew he looked powerful, cocky and tall

Draco called her over to sit, she kissed him on the cheek and stood next to him

-"Mattheo this is an Olivia Malfoy, Olivia this is Mattheo Riddle, it's his first year here"- Draco told them while both of them smiled at each other.
-"you can sit next to him if you want"- Blaise said while stuffing potatoes into his mouth like a hamster

She made her way down to the other side of the table where Mattheo sat across Draco, awkwardly pulled her skirt down and sat down. Everyone was talking about their summer and eating their food. Draco was to focused on Pansy and Blaise was talking to other Slytherin girls

-"you know u should wear that skirt a little higher," Mattheo said as he grabbed her thigh
-"oh ya?"- she replied but felt the way her cheeks were getting red. His voice was deep but yet still attractive
- "How is your little boyfriend? Fred Weasley, such a shame such a pretty girl dating a blood traitor" Mattheo whispered into her ear
- "he's not my boyfriend" - she said and Mattheo grinned back at her, "good"

-"Hey mate Im going to skip on giving you a tour today, pansy needs help with something, but I'm sure my sister would love to show you around," Draco said while standing up and grabbing pansy's hand. They run off fast enough for Mattheo not be able to answer so he glanced back at Olivia and replied with "I guess the tour begins"

After lunch they made their way to the yard and just walked around "do you mind if I go change real fast" she looked at him, he nodded and followed her way

When they made their way to the Slytherin common room, she showed her dorm to him and quickly grabbed a shirt

The room messy on the other side but yet Olivia's side was clean and stocked with books. He searched around to see if he knew any of those books "you have an excellent taste in books Malfoy" he said and looked up to her to see what she was doing.

"I liked reading since I was a kid," she said while putting her shirt on, "are you ready? I want to show you around before it gets dark" she peeked back, and he opened the door for her.

She displayed him the library and her favorite part of the book section, he seemed to enjoy her company as well. They sat on the library floor, right behind the restriction area, eating cookies

"So Riddle, I never heard of that last name before," she said while grabbing a cookie

"Lord Voldemort" those words escaped his lips as he tried to grab the same cookie as she was looking at

"Well do you have any siblings Theo" she glanced back again pretty mad since he would not let her have that cookie

"It's mine," he said looking at her with a grin on his face. She stood up and grabbed the cookie and ran "it's yours if you catch me" she said while running away from him

She was hiding behind the bookshelves but felt breathing behind her, he pushed her against that bookshelf. Her breathing became heavy, and she felt nervous, Mattheo grabbed her chin, and made her look straight at his eyes "beautiful" he whispered right behind her ear

He grabbed the cookie from her hand and ate it. "Next time you take something of mine, you will be pushed against my bed," he said softly while putting her hair behind her head

He let the girl go afterward

ok this is getting interesting right?😏

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