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I have decided to continue my story because i dont want to start something and not finish.  so here goes my my update.

and please read vote follow comment and tellothers about my story id really appriciate it.

JASON point of view

I'm really second guessing this get to together with Maria's bestfriend.  I feel like if they meet up Isabelle will try to call the police or try and escape.

I hope she knows whats best for her because if she tries to take my baby away from me all hell will break for the both of them.

I hope it doesn't go that far because i don't know what i would do without my Babygirl.

Anyways currently I'm in my office working I've been in here since six o' clock in the morning.  One of the guys I loaned money to hasn't played me back and it's been 6 months.  He was supposed to pay me the money within 2 months not did.  He keeps moving from place to place so we won't find him.  He came back to LA 2weeks ago.  Me and Chaz will pay him a visit.  I then call him on the phone telling him we had business to attend.

Conversation with Chaz
C=Chaz J=Jason

J= Whats up bro

C= Hey what's up boss

J=Meet me at the 248 Beverly street to attend a mission.

C= Alright I got you I know exactly where we're going

J= Alright see you in 2hours


End of conversation

As soon as I hung up Maria came in with my big T-shirt.  I swear I love it when she wears my clothes.  It was now 12:00pm.  I realized she's been sleep for a while.

"Hey baby" I said as she walked over to me.  "Hi " she says on her way to sit on my lap.

"How did you sleep."  I asked

"Great." She said "Can't wait until I see my bestfriend.!"  She squeaked

"I know.  I know baby." I said rubbing her lower back.

"We should call her now." She says

"Oh ummm sorry baby we can't right now I have a mission to attend to but as soon as I get back we'll call her.  Okay." I said softly on the side of her lips.

She nodded in response.



No ones Point of View

They were sitting outside in their car.  They waited for some time for his guest to leave the house.  After they madde sure everyone was gone except The Wolves leader(his name is John) and his gang member who owns the house which is the person who owes him money as well (his name is Rick).

"You ready man" Jason said

"Yeah.  Go over the plan one more time so I could be sure." Says Chaz

"We'll go in the back door....."says Jason

" Okay got it man."  Says Chaz

They go to the backyard to get in the house through the back door.  They go in the house seeing John and Rick at the mini bar.

"Wtf..how did you get in here we have an alarm." Says Rick

Jason and Chaz smirks while holding their guns up.

"For us to know, and you to find out." Says Jason

"Where's my money." Says Jason with a intimidating look on his face

"I-i d-dont know-w." Says Rick stuttering very badly

"Look McCann..  Can't we just figure something out."  Says John

"No.. We gave him 5 months to get all the money he borrowed from us.."  Says Jason

" ...Look do you have the money or not."  Says Chaz getting irritated and impatient.

"No,but-t......" Says Rick and with that he shoots Rick in the leg.

"Owwww. Wtf I said I would get it." Says Rick

John just stared at him on the ground like it didn't matter.

"Why are you just standing there." Says Rick with tons of blood spilling out.

"I came here to tell you that we are dropping you from the gang..... Glad I didnt have to do the dirty work." John said whispering the last part

"What are you saying... I thought I was your right ha-gco" says Rick

"Nope your wrong about that my son is, don't be stupid" says John

"Any last words Rick" says Chaz

"Fuck-" gco with Chaz shooting him

After the mission

(NOTEThey didn't shoot the gang leader because he wasn't apart if this and he is very powerful....  More drama about him will soon to come in the 15 or 20 chapter.)


Back Home

(NOTEJustin has a major attitude, ans forgot about Maria seeing her bestfriend.)



I hope Maria dies not give me attitude when I get to the house.

During the ride I to turned on the radio in some classical music so I could relax a little.

As I pull up to the house it pretty dark outside didn't really pay attention to it.

I walked in the house to find Maria and her.......

This is a little teaser but I will try to update more I haven't been loyal....☺

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Thanks my little Praisers

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